Java – dagger – accessing singleton objects from other classes
I have been trying to understand and set up dagger to handle dependency injection of Android projects. My single (no pun) goal is to create singleton objects that I can access in my application. I have successfully set up objects in the initial activity. Where am I trapped accessing these objects from other classes. This is my setting so far:
Initial app activity
public class SplashScreenActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
@Inject SessionKeyExchangerService exchangerService;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
AppComponent component = DaggerAppComponent.builder().appModule(new AppModule()).build();
// establish the session id as a singleton object
exchangerService = component.provideSessionKeyExchangerService();
// test whether I can access the singleton from another class
Component class
@Component(modules = {AppModule.class})
public interface AppComponent {
SessionKeyExchangerService provideSessionKeyExchangerService();
AESCipherService provideCipherService();
Module class
public class AppModule {
@Provides @Singleton
AESCipherService provideCipherService() {
return new AESCipherService();
@Provides @Singleton
SessionKeyExchangerService provideSessionKeyExchangerService(AESCipherService service) {
return new SessionKeyExchangerService(service);
public class AESCipherService {
private Long sessionId;
public AESCipherService() {
sessionId = makeSessionId();
Log.d(Constants.TAG, "Session ID: " + Long.toString(sessionId));
private Long makeSessionId() {
// this generates a random unsigned integer in the space {0, 2^32-1)
Random random = new Random();
return random.nextLong() & 0xffffffffL;
public Long getSessionId() {
return sessionId;
Sessionkeyexchanger class
public class SessionKeyExchangerService {
private static SessionKeyExchangerService exchanger;
private AESCipherService cipherService;
public SessionKeyExchangerService(AESCipherService cipherService) {
this.cipherService = cipherService;
public void sendEncryptedKeyToServer () {
// the next line is almost certainly part of the problem
// but I don't kNow how to fix!!!
AppComponent component = DaggerAppComponent.builder().appModule(new AppModule()).build();
AESCipherService cipherService = component.provideCipherService();
Long sessionID = cipherService.getSessionId();
Log.d(Constants.TAG, "singleton verification: " + (Long.toString(sessionID)));
Here are some sample outputs:
Obviously, I did not visit the same object. I realized that at least part of the problem was derived from the way I called new operators in AESCipherService when I tried to get references to AppComponent classes, but I didn't know how to get this reference in another way.
How can I solve it? thank you!
AppComponent component = DaggerAppComponent.builder().appModule(new AppModule()).build();
Nonono. This will not be a single person. The scope provider only applies to each component, which means that you must use a single component throughout the application so that modules within the @ singleton scope actually share the same scope provider. In this case, a new component will be created each time you create an activity
You need to create them like this:
public enum Injector {
private AppComponent appComponent;
static {
INSTANCE.appComponent = DaggerAppComponent.create();
public getAppComponent() {
return appComponent;
You can also subclass application and create one in oncreate()
@Component(modules = {AppModule.class})
public interface AppComponent {
SessionKeyExchangerService provideSessionKeyExchangerService();
AESCipherService provideCipherService();
void inject(SplashScreenActivity splashScreenActivity); //does NOT support base class injection! Concrete classes only!
public class SplashScreenActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
@Inject SessionKeyExchangerService exchangerService;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// establish the session id as a singleton object
// exchangerService = component.provideSessionKeyExchangerService(); //totally not needed
// test whether I can access the singleton from another class
In addition, you are creating with an @ module based instance, so @ inject is missing from the constructor
public SessionKeyExchangerService(AESCipherService cipherService) {
this.cipherService = cipherService;
public void sendEncryptedKeyToServer () {
// the next line is almost certainly part of the problem
// but I don't kNow how to fix!!!
//AppComponent component = DaggerAppComponent.builder().appModule(new AppModule()).build(); //you don't need this here at all
//AESCipherService cipherService = component.provideCipherService(); //already provided in constructor