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How long will the mobile Android Market Update after the upgrade is released?
After I upload / publish my application upgrade, it will be updated on the web Android Market immediately. But if I se…… -
Android – clips are not visually deleted
I'm trying to replace the fragment with a new fragment. To do this, I use the following code However, when viewed on A…… -
Android – resource directory name of the language variant?
For example, when using custom locale in Android, the directory name is res/drawable-en-rUS res/values-fr-rCA Where …… -
android – FINE_ The accuracy of location is lower than that of course_ LOCATION
According to my understanding of accessing location on Android: >The location provider requires access permission_ …… -
Android beta APK distribution problem
I'm going to a Hacker News party in DC tomorrow. I'll show my android app. I want to have a QR code for people to scan…… -
How to stream video from a web address and play it in Android?
I want to stream video from the website and play it in Android. I want to play video like YouTube video. For example, …… -
Override hardware buttons on Android
Is it possible to programmatically override the functions of the hardware buttons on the robot? Specifically, I want t…… -
Optimize iPhone and Android browsers for applications
I have an ASP. Net (not MVC) application I want to create a version optimized for browsers on iPhone and Android Some …… -
Android – oncreate() was not called
I've just encountered a very strange problem, and I've spent hours trying to solve it. When I try to run my Android ap…… -
What is the purpose of Java level DNS caching?
I am currently developing an Android project. I doubt rewriting the Java level DNS cache. Through search, I found that…… -
How do we play. M3u8 files in Android 2.2 or Android 2.3?
How do we play. M3u8 (using Unicode M3U files) files in Android 2.2 or 2.3? Can Android play files in this format? res…… -
Android – how do I get MIME types from a web view?
I am about to develop a browser plug-in to detect whether the page is WML. If so, it will be converted to HTML through…… -
Java – how to create a custom progress bar in the action bar?
It's not an action bar, but a custom progress bar that I need help with. I want to create exactly the same as catch no…… -
Android – how to determine the signal strength when the GSM returns’ 99 ‘?
We have an internal Android application, which is the migration of a pre-existing JME application. One problem is that…… -
Android – linear layout with an imagebutton – is there a better way to solve it?
At present, I have something similar: <LinearLayout android:layout_height="80dip" android:id="@+id/linearLayoutSett…… -
Android – number of GPS repair satellites acquired?
I got GPS_ Location: double lo=gps_loc.getLongitude(); double la=gps_loc.getLatitude(); I got horizontal_ Accuracy…… -
Java – how to set setlayoutparams on dynamically adding elements on a widget
Currently, I am dynamically adding elements to my widget using the following: RemoteViews views = new RemoteViews(cont…… -
Java – Android bitmap. Createbitmap() fills the heap
I need a big bitmap (6000) × 2000), so I created a: Bitmap.Config conf = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_4444; Bitmap bm = Bitmap.c…… -
Update the eclipse Android project to the next version
I have an Android project in eclipse. I started developing in Android version 2.2. (I think). I want to update the pro…… -
Android – how to refresh the contents of a single line in a listview using onItemClick
I have a belt Check@R_ 959_ 2419 @ listview. What I want to implement is onItemClick (in my activity). If I click this…… -
Android – the prompt does not disappear on EditText
I have an EditText: <EditText android:hint="Your Notes" android:id="@+id/tv_notes_data" android:layout_wid…… -
Android APK cannot be signed from Jenkins, but it can work from the command line
I have the following build environments: > Ubuntu > Java 1.6.0_ 24 > Apache ant 1.8.2 > Jenkins 1.427 >…… -
Android IOCTL – root permissions and usage
I am dealing with some routing functions in Android applications and need to access IOCTLs. Since applications using I…… -
Live on iPhone / Android: RTMP – http
We plan to develop a mobile application that allows users to view real-time streams and broadcast live from iPhone / A…… -
Java – Android mediarecorder release() problem and video capture not in portrait mode
I had some problems developing a video capture application Invalid Sign 2) I'm using the release () method. But when w…… -
Android – ratingbar is customized, and the size of each rating element increases
I know I can apply my own style and replace the star image of the rating bar with something else. I need something mor…… -
WebView crashed when I called a Java function from my JavaScript code. Why?
This may be a simple question. When I call a Java function from my JavaScript code, WebView crashes. Why? This code st…… -
Android – get the progress of intentservice
I'm developing an Android application that requires a lot of API calls. I've built a system to implement a queuing sys…… -
Google API provides an impeccable error for Android
I just installed the Android 2.1 SDK in eclipse and created a project for Google API: 7. Eclipse displays an error on …… -
Android – onviewcreated and compatible Libraries
In the Android application, I implemented a fragment that will override onviewcreated to set up some onclicklisteners …… -
Python and Android
This link says that you can really write code in Python and use it for application development on the Android platform…… -
Java – how to use ffmpeg in Android to reduce the video size captured by the default camera?
I am trying to reduce the video size captured by the default camera in Android (it is generating high-resolution video……