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Android – how to upload data from byte array to PHP server?
I upload the image file from the device to the PHP server by converting the file into a byte array. I use android-asyn…… -
Android – how do I call a method from the onclicklistener.onclick method?
import; import; import; import; import com.…… -
Android – back button to close two activities?
Solved! My activity stack looks like this, forgive the rough chart! A-->B-->C-->D If I press the back butto…… -
Faster / fastest way to get new SMS when launching the app – Android
I have a SQLite database, which contains all the user's SMS, but when you start the application, if the user decides t…… -
Android performance optimization series 3
1. Performance optimization (I) app startup optimization- --Optimizati…… -
Java – stretch / shrink canvas
I'm making an Android game. I test my application on galaxy SII. I've made great progress. Unfortunately, I ignore tes…… -
Android – will telephonymanager.getdeviceid work without SIM card?
I have a simple question: whether TelephonyManager.getdeviceid(); Will it work without sim_state_absent in the devi…… -
Can’t create an Android project with appengine connection in eclipse?
I installed the Google plug-in for eclipse. When using new > to create a project > appengine connected Android p…… -
Android – the eraser is not invoked when the button is pressed
I have such main categories: public class Main extends Activity { Button edit,save,eraser,clear; /** Called …… -
Android – use Parcelable to pass an object containing a list of objects to another activity
My activity workeractivity contains a list of workers. I'm trying to pass the clicked worker object to my workerdetail…… -
Android – ADT bundle for Mac: Eclipse cannot start
I downloaded the Android Developer Tools bundle for Mac from here. The system requirements section says that it requir…… -
Android – next and previous animation
When the user selects an item in the list, I pop up the popupwindow. Then when he slides left and right in the pop-up …… -
Java – provides an example of an incorrect alertdialog
I'm new to Java / Android Development (I started learning last night), so it's entirely possible for me to do somethin…… -
Android – achart engine limits pan valid data points
I have an Android application that uses achart to create two charts. Line charts and bar charts. Each time the applica…… -
Android – Google Maps V2 connection problem
I've received some crash reports. I'm not sure what caused it This has only started to happen in recent updates. This …… -
C# – where should I place the DLL file when I use dllimport?
I know that in Windows Forms, you only need to put files in the debug folder, but it seems that it is completely diffe…… -
Android – how do I create multiple clips programmatically?
I try to programmatically display multiple clips on one screen. I can do this by including each clip in the active lay…… -
Android – how to find the source code for creating byte arrays
Using DDMS and creating hprof, I can see the "histogram" view of data in my application and notice too many very large…… -
Android – how to pause and resume in libgdx using the back key?
I'm using libgdx to create a game. Now I have two questions First, I tried to grab the key so that the game was suspen…… -
Java – unfortunately, the app has stopped working
I'm new to Android application development. I'm doing this tutorial app. It's very simple. It adds one and subtracts o…… -
I also need a suitable code to use NDK as Android lib
I also need a suitable code to use NDK as Android lib I saw them call this function in Android open source What do you…… -
How to call invalidate() on viewpager
I am using TouchDB to copy the database and display its contents in a series of ListView in ViewPager. The problem I h…… -
Java – a new activity is created when the screen orientation is changed
I am new to Android, but I have made many applications in the past year. Please forgive me I know that when you run th…… -
Java – Dropbox SDK for Android: androidauthsession not found
I'm trying to follow Drop@R_ 419_ 2419 @ tutorials on the website will drop@R_ 419_ 2419 @ integrated into my android …… -
Build Android C development environment on eclipse
1. Tools and software to be prepared JDK Invalid Sign Adt12.0 (of course, the latest ADT is available to avoid too…… -
Android – get listview items / views in reverse order on 2.2; Applicable to 4.0.3
I have a listview that displays items in the arrayadapter. I want to animate the view when it is blocked. The problem …… -
Android – osmdroid offline files
I have an osmdroid map. I want to load offline tiles from the osmdroid Zip or gemf file of mobac. I investigated it ev…… -
Android project development – Metro time machine (I, building the main framework)
1: Let's take a look at the renderings after the framework is built 2: Frame structure (1) the bottom navigation bar…… -
Android – how do I log in to Facebook without a Facebook app?
I use the Facebook sample application (sessionloginsample) to learn how to log in to Facebook. My facebook SDK is the …… -
Android – can I use Google cloud hard disk as the host of my application data? Can application data be online?
I'm sorry if this ends up being wordy Just like the server, you can have data there, and users can access it with the …… -
Java – compare SSL certificates by signature: is that enough?
The system architecture I am working on needs to compare two SSL / TLS (usually X.509) certificates. That is, I need t…… -
Encrypt sensitive data in the configuration file
Encrypt sensitive data in the configuration file Common steps (introducing related dependencies) <dependency> ……