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Share a real case of refactoring
Write in front Think about why refactoring? If there is no reason to say, it is recommended not to refactor easily. St…… -
Super detailed Kafka tutorial coming
Kafka concept and introduction Kafka is a message system. Designed and developed by LinkedIn in 2011. Kafka is a distr…… -
Performance optimization of database 2 – transactions and locks
MySQL transaction lock Pessimistic lock and optimistic lock CREATE TABLE `tb_goods_stock` ( `id` bigint(20) unsigned…… -
Redis development and use guide
Redis Redis is an open source (BSD licensed) in memory data structure storage, which is used as database, cache and me…… -
Dubbo for distributed services
1、 Dubbo introduction Dubbo is a high-performance, lightweight open source Java service framework. It provides six co…… -
Let’s talk about second kill
The essence of second kill Business: a promotional marketing activity Technically: an active DDoS attack with technica…… -
Other queues of distributed message queue
1、 Rabbitmq 2、 Rocketmq Difference from Kafka: 3、 Pulsar Pulsar is a server to server messaging system, which has t…… -
Performance optimized database 3- primary key generation and paging query
Topic 1: generation of primary key ID Database based auto_ The increment self increment ID can be used as a distribute…… -
Spring cloud and distributed services
1、 Development history of microservices When to use microservices? Zhongtai construction 2、 Best practices for micro…… -
Start with communication and talk about message oriented middleware
1、 Communication mode between systems We can think of ways: Disadvantages of each mode: We expect a way of communicat…… -
Kafka detailed tutorial plus surface test questions
1、 Deploy Kafka cluster To start the zookeeper service: Modify the configuration file config / server properties #bro…… -
New Java 8 features
A lambda expression is an anonymous function, that is, a function without a function name. From dynamic reference to d…… -
Distributed cache scheme
1、 Start with data We need to classify the data before caching By frequency of change: By frequency of use: This data…… -
Java thread state learning assembly
@H_ 404_ 1@ @H_ 404_ 1@ @H_ 404_ 1@@H_ 404_ 1@ Thread termination -
Java multithreading — let the main thread wait for the child thread to finish executing
Reference link: When using java multithreading programming, it is often en…… -
Use of Java multithreading
Before learning about multithreading, we should clarify three questions: ① What is thread? A: when a program runs (pro…… -
Basic java learning – multithreading and locking (after the change, we will continue to supplement later)
Lambda expressions can first look at the reference address:…… -
Java multithreading
Transferred from: Table of contents (?) [-] This paper mainly talks ab…… -
High concurrency processing experience under Java multithreading
Threads in Java: in Java, each thread has a call stack stored in the thread stack, A Java application always starts fr…… -
Netease cloud classroom micro specialty — Java Senior Development Engineer — multithreaded concurrent programming — learning notes (I)
Chapter 1 multithreaded concurrent programming Section 1 Java Basics 1.1. 1 Analysis of Java program operation princip…… -
Java multithreading learning (detailed summary of hematemesis)
Original works of Lin Bingwen evankaka. Please indicate the source for reprint Written e…… -
History of Java multithreading
be born The gene of Java comes from an internal project of Sun company in December 1990. The target device is househol…… -
[Java multithreading] jdk1 5. Discussion on API
Reproduced at: -
Java 5 multithreading (9) — jdk1 5 synchronization set
Please indicate the source for Reprint: -
JavaScript – multithreaded / single threaded, synchronous / asynchronous, blocking / non blocking, callback function
1. Application scenario 2. Learning / operation 3. Questions / additions 4. Reference Follow up supplement ... -
Eclipse installs additional color theme packages
Eclipse installs additional color theme packs: When installing with help install new software, the URL of work with is…… -
Mac installs protobuf and compiles it into Java, C + +, and python
1. Download address: In addition, you can view this link to see more…… -
Java returns the Sunday of a day and the Sunday of the current week
import java. text. ParseException; import java. text. SimpleDateFormat; import java. util. Calendar; import java. util…… -
Installation of Android development environment under Ubuntu
I. install JDK website: Create a n…… -
Build the slidingmenu environment using the open source framework on GitHub, and the problems that cannot be found by the getsupportactionbar method Build the slidingmenu environment using the open source fr…… -
Android button width is scaled
<LinearLayout android:layout_ width="fill_parent" android:layout_ height="fill_parent" android:orientation="horizon……