Installation of Android development environment under Ubuntu
I. install JDK
Create a new folder and install the JDK to / opt / Java, so execute the following code in the terminal window:
sudo mkdir /opt/java
Unzip the downloaded JDK to the / opt / Java folder
sudo tar zxvf /home/david/Downloads/jdk-7u7-linux-i586.tar.gz -C/opt/java
Configure path: enter the command #gedit / etc / profile on the Linux terminal
After opening the file, add at the end (as shown in the figure below): export path =.: / opt / Java / jdk1.7.0_ 40/bin:$PATH
Reload the saved file #source / etc / profile
Click (.) command #. / etc / profile
Use the following two methods to check whether the JDK is installed successfully
1 you can use this to view #echo $path
2 or enter #javac
Second, install the Android development environment eclipse
Download and unzip