Other queues of distributed message queue
1、 Rabbitmq
2、 Rocketmq
Difference from Kafka:
3、 Pulsar
Pulsar is a server to server messaging system, which has the advantages of multi tenancy and high performance. Pulsar was originally developed by Yahoo and is currently managed by the Apache Software Foundation.
The key features of pulsar are as follows:
A namespace is a logical naming term within a tenant. You can create multiple namespaces under tenants through the admin API. You can create any number of topics in the namespace.
subscription model
4 subscription modes
Message de duplication
Message de duplication ensures that a message can only be persisted once on the pulsar server
Producer idempotent
Pulsar, which can handle message de duplication on the broker
Actual primary semantics
Message delay delivery
Stand alone mode installation
Download: WGet https://archive.apache.org/dist/pulsar/pulsar-2.8.0/apache-pulsar-2.8.0-bin.tar.gz
After downloading the compressed file, unzip it and use the CD command to enter the location of the file
Single machine startup:
Consumption message:
Production message:
4、 Camel
Apache camel is an open source integration framework that enables you to quickly and easily integrate various systems that consume or generate data.
Apache camel uses URIs to simplify integration with various transport or messaging models, including HTTP, ActiveMQ, JMS, JBI, SCA, Mina, or CXF, and works with pluggable data format options. Apache camel is a small library that has minimal dependencies and is easy to embed in any Java application. Apache camel allows you to use the same API regardless of the transport type, enabling you to interact with all the components provided with a good understanding of the API
We can use camel to transfer the messages in ActiveMQ to rabbit MQ.