Android – get JSON array using retrofit
Hi, I'm trying to parse the following JSON responses in the list
{"beers":[{"id":"1","nombre":"Larzobispa","localidad":"Alcorcon","provincia":"Madrid"},{"id":"2","nombre":"La Cibeles","localidad":"Madrid","provincia":"Madrid"}]}
I use the following code
My interface
public interface AbebeerApi {
List<SingleBeer> listBeers();
Implementation of abebeerapi
Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
AbebeerApi service = retrofit.create(AbebeerApi.class);
And call for the creation of services
List<SingleBeer> beers = service.listBeers();
I didn't get any response in the beer list. My application closed and I didn't get any information in logcat
This is my POJO course
public class SingleBeer {
int id;
String nombre;
String localidad;
String provincia;
//getters and setters
Can anyone help me? Thank you first
Editor: I'll tell you my PHP code in case there's anything wrong with it
if (MysqL_num_rows($result) > 0) {
// looping through all results
$response["beers"] = array();
while ($row = MysqL_fetch_array($result)) {
$beers = array();
$beers["id"] = $row["id"];
$beers["nombre"] = $row["nombre"];
$beers["localidad"] = $row["localidad"];
$beers["provincia"] = $row["provincia"];
// push single product into final response array
array_push($response["beers"], $beers);
// success
$response["succes"] = 1;
// echoing JSON response
echo json_encode($response);
} else {
// no products found
$response["success"] = 0;
$response["message"] = "No beers have found";
// echo no users JSON
echo json_encode($response);
Editor 2: I solved this problem with this article
I created the lenientgsonconverter class that I added to my restadapter in the setconverter method
RestAdapter retrofit= new RestAdapter.Builder().setEndpoint("end_point_url")
AbebeerApi service = retrofit.create(AbebeerApi.class);
service.getBeer(new Callback<BeerResponse>() {
public void success(BeerResponse beerResponse, Response res) {
// Use beerResponse for response
public void failure(RetrofitError error) {
This is your interface. You should add a callback method. In the callback, you should use your POJO
public interface AbebeerApi {
public void getBeer(Callback<BeerResponse> callback)
I'm answering this API
{"beers":[{"id":"1","nombre":"Larzobispa","localidad":"Alcorcon","provincia":"Madrid"},{"id":"2","nombre":"La Cibeles","localidad":"Madrid","provincia":"Madrid"}]}
The problem is that you try to pass the list directly. You should create two classes to get the response. The first beerresponse is only used for the list. In the second class, you should declare your JSON object, which means ID, nonmbre and all. Moreover. The main import is your API field name, and the field name of your POJO must be the same. If you want to change the field name of the POJO, You can use gson annotation @ serializedname
public class BeerResponse{
List<SingleBeer> beers;
//getters and setters
public class SingleBeer {
int id;
String nombre;
String localidad;
String provincia;
//getters and setters