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How to use the & operator in Java? Porting C code
So I have this simple code in C if (flags & 4) Now, when I migrate rows to Java: if ((flags & 4) == 1) It will…… -
Java – how do I evaluate this equation?
I think it's very self explanatory in the code Obviously, I don't evaluate the same thing over and over again, it's ju…… -
Java – when putting a new row into the MySQL table Created add what URI
I'm doing a restful service. I use post sometimes. I add a new row to the table Therefore, it seems a good idea to suc…… -
Strange array behavior in Java
This is a simple array declaration and initialization int arr[] = new int[10]; for(int i = 0; i<arr.length; i+…… -
Java – cross platform desktop development
I need to provide cross platform engine / framework suggestions for desktop PC application development (windows, MAC, …… -
Java – token “;” Syntax error on, {expected after this tag
Why is there a syntax error in this line (as shown below) package org.temp2.cod1; import*; import javax…… -
java. lang.ClassCastException:android. widget. LinearLayout $layoutparams cannot be cast to Android support. v7. widget. RecyclerView $LayoutParams
I have a recyclerview with LinearLayout LinearLayout consists of nine buttons Before making some changes, I can click …… -
How to delete an object from a linked list in Java?
There is a problem in my code. I made a sample program to display the EMP details in the link list. Now the problem wh…… -
Writing custom Java objects to parquet
I have some custom Java objects (internally composed of other custom objects) I want to write this to HDFS in parquet …… -
Can I write “foreach” functions in Java?
In PHP, you can do foreach ($array as $key = > $value) {/ / code. Can you create a function in Java to execute fore…… -
How do I get the fifth root in Java?
I'm trying to get the fifth root of the number for my program I used math pow(a,b); The way to get this, but for some …… -
Java – how to create a long value with all bits = 1
I tried the following methods: public static final long DEVICE_ID_UNKNowN = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF; But it can lead to The…… -
Java – create the assertclass () method in JUnit
I am creating a test platform for the protocol project based on Apache Mina In Mina, when you receive a packet, the me…… -
Need help to start converting original G3 fax files to TIFF format via Java
I have an original fax file (G3 / T.4 format), which needs to be programmatically converted into multi page TIFF throu…… -
Java – what is the purpose of using the toString () method in the following code?
See the English answer > how to override tostring() properly in Java? 11 This is my code: public class Gitfiddle { …… -
Try to create a hash table in java with string as the key and double as the value
In the following procedure: import java.util.*; public class HashTableStringdouble { // private Hashtable<String,…… -
Java – Method getbuild() does not define type mvcuricomponentsbuilder MethodArgumentBuilder
The problem of building URIs for controllers and methods from views @Controller @RequestMapping("/produtos") public cl…… -
Java – C: why objects are passed by value
In Java, all variables containing the appropriate object are actually references (i.e. pointers) Therefore, method cal…… -
Java – error (?) in OS X with Jfilechooser UI
Like many others, I have encountered and seen this problem endlessly in this forum Unfortunately, I have never answere…… -
selenium – junit. framework. Assertionfailederror: test not found in register
I had a problem making this test case work Who can point me in the right direction? I know what I did wrong. I just do…… -
Java – what are the benefits of having multiple logger instances instead of just one static logger class?
So I checked the best practices on logging in Java (slf4j, log4j, logback, etc.), and it seems that the appearance of …… -
Java – how to create a new activity, I can choose to add a new project from the database?
I created the database after this tutorial, and I created a button in the main activity that takes the user to another…… -
Polymorphism and interfaces in Java (you can use polymorphism to implement interfaces… Why?)
In the real world, what types of problems do people use it to solve? Can I see the sample code for these collaboration…… -
Java – randomly select a node from the n-ary tree
My node class: import java.util.ArrayList; public class Tree<T> { private Node<T> root; public …… -
java – Restlet Protocol. File usage
I have an example about protocol in the restlet site Problems with file usage // URI of the root directory. public sta…… -
Java – test the browser at the same time; Received error
Now, I'm trying my first test, which will test browsers chrome, Firefox, ie and safari at the same time But I got the …… -
Youtube API search response (Java)
Using Java's Youtube API, I did a video search Load size: / / developers google. com/youtube/v3/code_ samples/java#sea…… -
Java – type conversion via composition (interfaces and classes)
When I try to use methods that contain generic classes, two of which implement interfaces, I have a major disconnect I…… -
Java – ignore the record of repeated exception messages from third-party libraries
I need to deal with the repetition of specific exceptions in the log I use slf4j and logback to log in to my applicati…… -
Java singleton internal class error understanding
I have been programming java for the past two months, but I have experienced programmers in Python and C I know I made…… -
Java – generics: input variables?
In order to be able to replace a specific implementation, it is usually known to write List<AnyType> myList = ne…… -
Java – matrices does not work in OpenGL
I am trying to create an orthogonal matrix and an appropriate model and view matrix to view a simple triangle just to ……