Java – generics: input variables?
In order to be able to replace a specific implementation, it is usually known to write
List<AnyType> myList = new ArrayList<AnyType>();
ArrayList<AnyType> myList = new ArrayList<AnyType>();
This is easy to understand, so you can easily change the implementation from ArrayList to LinkedList or any other type of list
Well... It's all good, but since I can't instantiate "list" directly, I need to enter it
public List<AnyType> getSpecificList() { return new ArrayList<AnyType>(); }
This makes the previous model meaningless What if I want to replace the implementation with LinkedList instead of ArrayList now? It needs to be changed in two places
Is it possible that there is such a thing (I know the grammar is absolutely incorrect)?
public class MyClass<T> { Type myListImplementation = ArrayList; List<T> myList = new myListImplementation<T>(); public List<T> getSpecificList() { return new myListImplementation<T>(); } }
This will allow me to simply change the word "ArrayList" to "LinkedList" and everything is fine I know that these two lists may have different constructors, which won't work "as is" I really don't want to add a second type parameter to specify the list implementation being used
Is there any clean mechanism to solve this problem^
Thank you for your greetings to atmocreations
Why not use some factory pattern instead of directly instantiating a specific list implementation You then need to change the list implementation at a location within the factory method
For example, you start with:
List<T> createList() { return new ArrayList<T>(); } List<T> myList1 = createList(); List<T> myList2 = createList();
Later, if you decide you need a linked list, you just need to change the implementation of createlist (), leaving the rest of the code unchanged
List<T> createList() { return new LinkedList<T>(); }