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Java – deploy / host spring boot applications
I recently completed a simple spring launch application using the IntelliJ ide The application runs locally as a sprin…… -
Multithreading – clang thread safety annotations and sharing capabilities
When I use clang thread annotations, the following code generates a warning I'm trying to wrap boost:: shared_ Mutex a…… -
Java – different methods for mapping spring requests to specific path variable values
@Controller @Controller @RequestMapping("/authors") public class AuthorController { @RequestMapping(value = "/{id}…… -
Can I access Gmail mail through POP3 and oauth2 in Java applications?
I'm developing a Java application and I need to access Gmail mail So far, I can use OAuth mechanism to connect to Gmai…… -
Java – get different results when rounding decimals
double radius = 5; double radius = 5; double area = Math.PI * Math.pow(radius,2); // System.out.println(ar…… -
Java – Maven ‘deploy’ causes code repackaging (bad signature) after signature operation
I want to deploy an artifact to the sonatype OSS repository The signature is invalid when deploying with the following…… -
Android websocket sockjs client of webserver based on Java spring
I am using spring 4.1 6. Release and my server are configured to use the websocket method based on sockjs and stomp pr…… -
How to modify a value in a Java property file
I have a config Properties file, which contains configurable properties, such as database connection details in webapp…… -
Playframework – cause: javax persistence. Entitynotfoundexception: bean deleted – deferred load failed
Edit: additional information: play.api.Application$$anon$1: Execution exception[[EntityNotFoundException: Bean has bee…… -
Differences between different implementations assigned to a wider range of types in Java
I know that assigning subclass implementations to variables of interface type is a best practice to maintain flexibili…… -
Multithreading – consumer – producer: pauses the consumer if memory usage exceeds a certain threshold
I have a situation where my main thread (producer) allocates a large amount of memory for a task on the heap, some wor…… -
Java – a common JPA repository for multiple entities
I have several entities and use the spring data JPA repository and specifications to query my database Therefore, I cr…… -
Java – spring data JPA – custom sorting in jparepository
I used spring data JPA and spring data rest and created a jparepository for my thing entity @Repository public interfa…… -
The simple java implementation of the Floyd warhall algorithm doesn’t seem to work?
I have been trying to implement Floyd warhall algorithm in Java instead of "three loop nesting", but I can't seem to f…… -
Java – is there a way to disable hibernate optimistic locking?
I have one entity: @Entity public class VersionedDo { @Version @Column(name = "version") private int versi…… -
JBoss logging for Java unit testing?
I inherited some java code explicitly implemented using JBoss logging I know this is usually configured as JBoss subsy…… -
Java – error compiling Maven selenium project – compilation error package not found
I tried to run the Maven project of selenium test (Maven - install) Below is POM <project xmlns="http://maven.apach…… -
Java – int error cannot dereference?
My constructor is wrong. I don't know how to fix it? I am a beginner of Java This is an example exercise I'm trying to…… -
Java okhttp reuses keep alive connections
How to reuse HTTP keep alive connections through okhttp? My code example: public class MainWithOkHttp { static Ok…… -
Java – SQL SELECT statement with where clause
How do I write this SQL statement without a hard coded value? resultSet = statement .executeQuery("select * from m…… -
Java – wowza authentication using external jars
This is the source code of jar: public class WowzaTesting { boolean authStatus = false; public boolean authen…… -
Java socket server lags behind two clients
I'm a newcomer lol to stackoverflow, but I've always relied on this website I have a question about the java socket se…… -
Java – Maven spring boot multi module
I'm trying to configure Maven to use spring boot with multiple modules I'm new to Maven and spring boot stuff. I'm not…… -
How do I bind the Java spring time attribute to the thymeleaf field?
I have a problem binding a java time attribute to the thymeleaf field@ H_ 404_ 7@ <input th:field="*{startTime}" ty…… -
General Java questions about interfaces
Consider that I have a method that passes list as a parameter In this method, I want to use a specific function such a…… -
Java – Lucene search even if it should return no results
I am creating a Lucene search application. I use multiple instances of different analyzers and indexwriters of their i…… -
Java – hibernate and criteria APIs return an object array instead of tuple
I'm trying the criteria API and I'm facing strange problems with tuples I am building a query similar to that describe…… -
Using generics in Java
I just started using Java, so this may be a stupid question for most people, Set<T> mySet; Eclipse gives an erro…… -
Java – numbers and occurrences in the array
My job is to use the package implementation of array. You can add and delete numbers as needed So far, I have successf…… -
Java – combines two strings into a single string representing a path
See English answers > how to combine paths in Java? 9 How can I do this? Solution Apache commons IO do what you wan…… -
Java – how to select a value from an array?
How do I select a value from an array? For example, string [] ans = {'', "– ''," / "," * "}; Then I want to choose "" …… -
Unable to create service com parse. PushService:java. lang.NullPointerException
I'm using the service Push notification My code: ParseCrashReporting.enable(this); ……