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Java – get the latest application version from Google playstore when multiple apks are uploaded
I uploaded multiple apks for my app on playstore to support it on all devices The problem now is that when I use the f…… -
Multithreading – is calling binaries such as LS or RM a bad Perl exercise?
I find Perl easy to do the following: print "File not found,valid files are:\n\n".`ls DIRECTORY | grep 'PHP'`; `rm…… -
Java – the class ref in the pre validation class resolves to an unexpected implementation
I am using Android studio and developing the xposed framework module Most of my users can use my application normally,…… -
Java – the order of bean initialization in spring
My spring configuration file has the following beans: @ h_ 419_ 7@ <bean id="myList" class="java.util.ArrayList">…… -
Java – error running calendar API sample code
Attempt to implement from Started Google calendar c…… -
Java – how to filter by entity class attribute in Hibernate
I use hibernate in Java to map classes to database tables I have a personnel list. Each item has many pets and each pe…… -
Java – how to use jsoup to get hidden input values?
I have data <input name="authenticity_token" type="hidden" value="aiUlw1Yh4W47lPQearSEdTkU0rhKpziZOweq5PMTV0Q=" /&g…… -
Java – sessionexpiredexception occurs when trying to create a post using Google blogger API oauth2
I use the following code to update an existing blog post I received sessionexpiredexception What on earth did I do wro…… -
Java – ternary operator does not work
NetBeans says my ternary operator is not a declaration How? int direction; direction = (Math.random() < 0.5) ? 0 : …… -
Java – can I use the same POM Redefine imported Maven dependencies in XML?
I'm working in an application server environment, and I'm using BOM to collect dependency information, as follows: <…… -
Java: parses string array items into, int, double, or string
import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.u…… -
JavaFX: draw sharp thin lines
I want to know how to use JavaFX to draw sharp thin lines I think my line is black, 1 pixel high This is what I have n…… -
Java – can I open repl in the context of a spring web application?
I am developing web applications based on spring MVC and hibernate on Tomcat 8 (for deployment and local development) …… -
Java – use log4j to customize the log file name in mule
I'm trying to modify log4j XML to use the appropriate appender to change the log file name generated by mule This is l…… -
Java – how does libgdx repeat the background?
A few days ago I figured out how to do some scrolling in libgdx Now I'm trying to do something related I want to repea…… -
Java – Tomcat JDBC connection resource not published
I have a project using Tomcat JDBC connection pool According to JDK specification, connection The close () method shou…… -
How to send objects to socket arrays in Java
Example: ArrayList arraySocket=new ArrayList(); ... arraySocket.add(client); ... for (Object arraySocket1 : arraySocke…… -
Java – how do I load all compiled classes from a folder?
I have a folder operator In this folder, I have compiled files (an interface operator and class 4 implementation opera…… -
Java – which method works best when I traverse a list?
List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>(); List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>(); 1 method: for(int i = li…… -
Java – my shaderprogram doesn’t work
My main language is French. I will try my best I try to understand shaders, but I can't find out why my shaders don't …… -
Java – resource never closed in try with resources when method linking
try(InputStream in = url.openStream(); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(in).useDelimiter("\\A")) { try(InputStream in = u…… -
The override equals method to compare multiple fields in Java
What is the best way to rewrite the equals method in Java to compare multiple fields? For example, I have four objects…… -
Java – how to prevent the possibility of selecting specific columns in JTable?
I want to disable the possibility of selecting specific columns in JTable Using the defaultlistselectionmodel class, y…… -
The java interface extends the problem
I have to implement an RMI server, which will be the front end of the other two RMI services Therefore, I think it is …… -
java – String. Error in replaceall() function
I'm trying the following code: – String x = "asdfg/dgws"; x.replaceAll("/","\\"); But it was a failure This gave me th…… -
Java – layout parameter layout_ Weight is ignored unless layout is also specified on the tag_ Width and layout_ height
I treat this message as an error and cannot run the application <include android:layout_weight="1" layout=…… -
The test with transactionrequiredexception failed: when loading JPA and neo4j configurations, no transaction is in progress
I have a JPA web application that contains some integration tests for the JPA repository At present, there is no integ…… -
Java . Charat (I) comparison problem
Why do you have to get a char from a string when comparing a char with another char? For example; It doesn't work whil…… -
Load a record with
What is the preferred way to load a record using doctrine? I'm using it $em = EntityManager::create($connectionOptions…… -
Non public top-level classes in Java
What is the reason for creating non-public top-level classes in Java? Suppose we have foo Java, there may be class Foo…… -
Java – applet – server communication, what should I do?
I have an applet and I have to send a request to the web application to get data from the server in the database I am …… -
Java – tolower case (char) method?
Obviously, there is a method that accepts a char and returns a char:……