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When a runtimeException is thrown, Java expects the return value
Why doesn't this compile (try Java 8 and Java 10)? It generates a missing return statement error public class Compiler…… -
Java – no gradle dependency created in the gradle cache?
In my module In the dependencies of the gradle file, I have the following: dependencies { compile 'org.apache.cxf:…… -
Java – no message body writer found for multipart body, multipart / form data
I upload XML files by calling rest URL through CXF client: WebClient webClient = WebClient.create("some base uri") …… -
java – Android . The AAR library interface parameter name is missing
I use Android studio (1.2.2) I built an Android module library, which declares an interface: public interface myInterf…… -
Java – can I add keys / values to a map in a map in one line of code?
I have HashMap 1, which contains five keys. All keys have hashmaps as the value I want to add key / value pairs to the…… -
Java – how to get content in Web crawl
Hi! I'm trying to implement this pseudo code for spider algorithm to explore the network I need some ideas about the n…… -
Does Java contain a data type named “item”?
I'm reading the book algorithms. They mentioned the data type item However, I can't find it in any API Is there an "it…… -
Java – why is this called backtracking?
I read it on Wikipedia and Google it, But I can't figure out what "backtracking algorithm" means I saw this solution i…… -
Java – error R10 (boot timeout) – > the web process cannot bind to $port – heroku within 60 seconds after startup
I'm trying to deploy my server on heroku I received this error: Error R10 (Boot timeout) -> Web process Failed to b…… -
How to use multiple threads to execute map, filter and flatmap in rxscala / Java?
How to use multiple threads to run filter, map and flatmap on observable: def withDelay[T](delay: Duration)(t: => T…… -
Java – any possibility of using jpaupdateclause for batch updates in querydsl?
Is it possible to use jpaupdateclause for batch update in querydsl? In exploring the jpuspdateclause class, I only fou…… -
PowerMockito:java. lang.NoClassDefFoundError
I need to simulate a static final class in JUnit test: private MyFinalClient client; @Before public void setup() { …… -
Java – clicking on an item results in an IllegalStateException
How did this happen? I used recyclerview in the clip, and the clip itself implements my click listener Sometimes, clic…… -
Java – problem converting Base64 string to hexadecimal string
TLDR: I recently decided to try Matasano crypto challenges, but for whatever reason, I decided to try to write the fi…… -
Java – how do I resolve a string to int using default values?
See English answers > good way to encapsulate integer Parseint() 22 I've tried this, but it (? 0) doesn't seem to w…… -
Java – how to establish websocket connection in Android service?
I've been trying to create an Android service that will allow me to maintain a websocket connection and send some data…… -
Java – should I use dependency injection for good design and testable code?
I have a class representing images: it's called photography The constructor is as follows: Photography::Photography(QS…… -
Java – errors occur when a simple spring startup project contains many third-party jars
Can I use the API from one of my own jars without including its dependencies? I created an independent Maven project (…… -
Java – get all keys by the value of a table column
I have a tabular data representation in Java In view of this table |----------------------------------------------| | …… -
Java – how long does the HTTP connection remain open when we use the asynccontext mentioned in the servlet3 specification?
How long does the HTTP connection remain open when we use the asynccontext mentioned in the servlet3 specification? fi…… -
The Java – ini4j store method changes the comment character
I want to change the key entry in part of the INI file I use the ini4j library So I wrote the following code I can cha…… -
Java – WebSockets, play framework and actor
I need to inform all users about adding new records to the database > Application. Java – here I put the socket han…… -
Java cast to enum type problem
There were some problems converting Java long type to enum type, and a solution could not be found This is what I'm us…… -
Akka distribution pub sub: Java implementation does not work
Subscriber's main class: application java package com.mynamespace; import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;…… -
Cause: javax net. ssl. SSLHandshakeException:java. security. Cert.certificateexception: there is no x509trustmanager implementation (spring) in Java
I'm trying to verify that I have a server certificate. I've created a keystore and trust store The exception occurred …… -
Java – IntelliJ code formatting, keeping / * package * / on the same line
In some cases, it makes sense to use package visibility for certain methods /* package */ int getSpan() { return…… -
Java – how to use MDC to dynamically create log file names in log4j 2
I'm trying to generate different log files based on the values passed through MDC in log4j After trying several method…… -
How to use reduce to sort lists in Java 8?
I have an object list list < BOM > in BOM, I have a list < bomline >, and now I have to use reduce pair Bo…… -
Java – how to get the contact name from the Android (calllog. Calls. Content_uri) table?
I am new to Android and am developing an application. I need all outgoing call logs, numbers, call duration and contac…… -
Java – why does spring security use the default pre authentication check?
I recently implemented some security improvements in a spring based Java application of my employer, and I have covere…… -
Constructor of Java subclass
When compiling this program, I get an error – class Person { Person(int a) { } } class Employee extends Person { …… -
Java – Test thymeleaf custom dialect with mockito
I recently wrote a custom dialect and a custom processor for thymeleaf to handle some custom tags and replace them wit……