Java – Test thymeleaf custom dialect with mockito
I recently wrote a custom dialect and a custom processor for thymeleaf to handle some custom tags and replace them with different tags in some cases, but I encountered a problem when writing tests for the processor:
Abstractprocessor class needs to be overridden
protected ProcessorResult doProcess(Arguments arguments,ProcessorMatchingContext processorMatchingContext,Node node)
Method, this is the method I need to test
Since my processor involves getting variables from the arguments parameter, I try to simulate it; However, the arguments, processormatchingcontext and node classes are declared final, which means that they cannot be emulated by mockito
I really don't want to instantiate an actual arguments object because it depends on five other objects that can't be simulated. I will eventually write a lot of code to test a line in the processor
Any ideas about possible testing strategies?
I don't know if this helps, but you can instantiate an actual (non simulated) parameter using objenesis without all the other five dependent classes