Java – what is the purpose of using the toString () method in the following code?

See the English answer > how to override tostring() properly in Java? 11

This is my code:

public class Gitfiddle {

    //Initalize class variables.
    private String guitarMake;
    private String guitarModel;
    private int numOfStrings;
    private String notes;
    private int jumboFrets;
    private String neckType;
    private String fingerBoard;
    private String humPickUps;
    private boolean tuned;

    //A constructor that has specific variables assigned to it.
    public Gitfiddle (String guitarMake,String guitarModel,int    numOfStrings,String notes,int jumboFrets,String neckType,String fingerBoard,String humPickUps,boolean tuned) {
        this.guitarMake = guitarMake;
        this.guitarModel = guitarModel;
        this.numOfStrings = numOfStrings;
        this.notes = notes;
        this.jumboFrets = jumboFrets;
        this.neckType = neckType;
        this.fingerBoard = fingerBoard;
        this.humPickUps = humPickUps;
        this.tuned = tuned;

    //Created the output that will be displayed to the user. 
    public String output()
        return "My guitar is an " + guitarMake + "," + " " + guitarModel + "  which is a " + 
        numOfStrings + "-string,electric guitar." + "\nThe standard tuning for this guitar is as follows(from low to high): " 
        + notes + "." + "\nIt has " + jumboFrets + " jumbo frets on a " + neckType + ",a " + fingerBoard + 
        " fingerboard and pearl,dot inlays." + "\nIt also has dual " + humPickUps + 
        " humbucker pickups which is perfect for some sweet Metal action!" + 
        "\nIs this 7-string beauty tuned up and ready to play?: " + tuned +   "\nAre you ready?";

    public static void main(String args[])
        //Create an instance of household item method.
        Gitfiddle guitar = new Gitfiddle ("Ibanez","S-7 320 EX",7,"B E A D G B E",22,"Wizard,W-7 II neck","rosewood","EMG 81 85",true);

        //Output the status of the household item.


Change public string output() to public string tostring() You've built it, just give it another name

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