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Android studio annoying pop-up window for layout_ Width and layout_ height
I use Android studio 2.2.3 on Mac. Whenever I add a new element to the layout resource XML, layout_ Width and layout_ …… -
Android – the node has not been attached to the view in ‘propsanimatednode. Updateview’
Sometimes I can see this message, but only in Android, I think it will appear every time an alarm is displayed Alert.a…… -
Android – push notification after an application is killed
I can't seem to receive the FCM push notification sent from the FCM console after I kill the application on Android, s…… -
Android – what’s in the firebase crash stack?
What is < or > in firebase crash stack? ( android.sup…… -
Android – marquee using maxlines
How to use maxlines instead of singleline? This is my textview: <TextView android:text="bla bla bla bla bla bla…… -
Subscribe to ANCs on Android
Based on the services listed here, I am trying to subscribe to the service from an Android device, but I can't make th…… -
Firebase on Android has multiple modules
I am currently trying to implement push notification in our application So we have three modules >Application 1 >…… -
Android – the intention for a specific activity when you click the push notification
When the app is in the background / not running, the specific activity is not opened when the notification is clicked …… -
Android – unit testing using mockito for transformation API call – argumentcaptor
Please forgive me if my question looks repetitive, but I don't get how to test and transform API calls. Build.gradle a…… -
How does Android place autocomplete get the search location list by default
I implemented the local autocomplete function in my application, and wrote the search keyword in EditText to obtain th…… -
Android – retrieves specific data from the firebase database
I am using the firebase database and Java to create a chat application on Android. Whenever a user registers for the f…… -
Android firebase associates multiple account providers with matching emails
In my firebase dashboard, I set up multiple accounts for an email option My app has simple email, Facebook and Google …… -
Android – how to apply Jake Wharton’s robot mode to espresso UI testing?
Jack Wharton delivered a fascinating speech. He proposed some smart ways to improve our UI testing and abstract the de…… -
Android – error: when using font folder in res, the execution of task ‘: app: processdebugeresources’ failed
I have updated the SDK to the Android o developer preview and started a simple demonstration with a single textview Wh…… -
Android using NDK has no reference defined
I'm trying to implement the code here When trying to compile it, I received the following error: Error:(339) undefined…… -
Android – make a call using Rx, and then make multiple parallel calls from the result of the first call
I must call the API that returns the list of items. For each item in this list, I must call another API (if the list r…… -
Android project integrates kotlin, which makes the project unable to run (a red cross appears) solution
Recently, the project is not too busy. It plans to lead to kotlin, which Google has pushed for several years. After al…… -
Entity list relationship in Android room
I'm trying to load the entity sublist, but I want to avoid 2 queries I'm thinking about querying in TypeConverter, but…… -
Android-o starts on the secondary display
When I try to start the activity intention, the new activityoptions setlaunchdisplayid (int launchdisplayid) function …… -
Java – use valueanimator to scale a view to the size of another view
I'm trying to use valueanimator to resize the view to fit another view. I'm using it instead of animation because I ne…… -
How to add PAHO mqtt to Android studio
I want to use PAHO mqtt in Android studio. I mentioned this link. I should add the following to the gradle file The li…… -
Android – displays the progress dialog box when retrieving data from the firebase database
I hope the activity must display the progress dialog box when getting data from the firebase database. It doesn't disp…… -
Android – retrofit2: expected begin_ Array but string is in line 1, line 268, path $[0]. Images
I know this is not the first time someone has asked this question, but I can't find the right way to solve the problem…… -
Android camera runtime permission error?
I'm trying to use the Camera2 API in my application, even if I use the following code to check the runtime camera perm…… -
After uninstalling the application, Android 6.0 and later will not clear SQLite data from the phone
In Android 6.0 and above, uninstall the application and install the same application (the same package) again. Then it…… -
Android – how to set a background image in text
Who can tell me how to set the background image in the text? (not a textview background picture) can I use drawable or…… -
Filter rxjava observable using other observable
I am using rxandroid 2.0.1 and rxjava 2.0.6 I have two observable: one returns may < MyObject > based on some st…… -
Completely refer to the source code of the system’s own DatePickerDialog and timepickerdialog, and copy the datetimepickerdialog
Completely refer to the datetimepickerdialog copied from the source code of the system's own DatePickerDialog and time…… -
Android – use Google drive API for Android
For my application, I need to synchronize the list with Google cloud hard disk. I have implemented signin and let my m…… -
Android – multidexkeepfile does not work properly
We encountered a problem when building the multidex app. We kept receiving different java.lang.noclassdeffounderror er…… -
Android – why not use the “newinstance” pattern in the activity?
This seems to be a good way to simplify how to set parameters for fragments, so I'm curious why it's not often used to…… -
Android – unable to listen to preference changes?
class Userviewmodel extends viewmodel{ appPrefs.registerOnSharedPreferencechangelistener(preferencechangelistener)……