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Install occurred while installing app Android_ PARSE_ FAILED_ MANIFEST_ Malformed error
I encountered install while trying to install my application_ PARSE_ Failed_ MANIFEST_ Malformed error I have complete…… -
Android – kotlin: sugar ORM insists @ ignoring attributes
In my Android application, I used kotlin with sugarorm. I encountered a problem trying to prevent some properties from…… -
Android – is there any way to reward firebase for inviting senders to accept their invitation?
I have an application that allows users to invite their friends through firebase. I want to reward the sender of the i…… -
Android toast in Cordova app
I'm building an application with jQuery mobile and corodova. @ h_ 403_ 1 @ I'm looking for a plugin to create Android …… -
Android – prevent scrolling and expand / collapse collapsible toolbars
I used the collapsible toolbar in my application. When the activity starts, the collapsible toolbar is expanded, scrol…… -
Java – the button in the alertdialog does not appear
I have an alertdialog box where the neutral button should cause me to disappear. The problem is that when the alertdia…… -
Android – how to disable color interpolation in OpenGL es 2.0?
Since there is no option of plane shading in OpenGL, is there a solution to disable color interpolation when different…… -
Android canvas (I)
* onDraw() * diapatchDraw() * 通过Bitmap创建 * 通过SurfaceView的SurfaceHolder.lockCanvas() GradientDrawable(Gradient…… -
Android – navigationview setnavigationitemselectedlistener this API is marked as internal to the support library and should not be accessed from the application
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentVie…… -
Options for effectively drawing byte array streams for display in Android
In short, what I need to do is to display the real-time stream of video frames in Android (each frame is in YUV420 for…… -
Android sideslip and breakpoint sequel
Note: to write in the position of the layout, replace the linear or relative layout, and write two sub layouts. The fi…… -
Android – error using duplicate fileprovider in manifest.xml with Cordova
How is it possible to have multiple providers of the same type in the list? Due to the file provider brought by Cordov…… -
Recyclerview and download files
@TOC Common methods: setmoe (swipelayout. Show. Pullout) setmoe (swipelayout. Show. Layoun) open: openitem (subscript)…… -
Android – recyclerview universal adapter using databinding
I used databinding to create a general adapter for recyclerview. This is a small code fragment public class RecyclerAd…… -
Android – private void sendregistrationtoserver (string token) parameter token is never used
I've tried all the available answers, but it doesn't help. What did I miss here? private void sendRegistrationToServer…… -
Ajax doesn’t work in Android WebView
I'm loading a website in WebView. We use ajax on the website. It also works well in web browsers and mobile browsers, …… -
Android listview with radio button
I want to change the check box color of the selected item. This is my code: final ListView listView = (ListView) f…… -
Android – how to get time if some conditions encounter gyroscope reading
Invalid Sign Example – if my phone is stationary, the gyro sensor will provide x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0. If the readi…… -
Java – how does Android save native libraries when applications stop
I developed an application with background tasks on C. the task was completed in 1 minute. Intentservi с E call the ta…… -
Android app manifest failed to merge Facebook and firebase
I'm developing a social application (Facebook and firebase) Once I add the firebase gradle path, I receive this error:…… -
Android compares the UTF-8 string with the UTF-8 input string EditText
In my Android application, I want to compare a UTF-8 string, such as "B ã I" with the string the user typed on EditTex…… -
Android – how do I use locale and configuration to select different asset files as my language changes?
I want to change the JSON file from the assets folder according to the language changes in the application, and I want…… -
Android – the last two items of the recyclview center?
How do I center the last two items of the recyclerview of three columns? The example has five items: 1 item | 2 item |…… -
How do I use gson to parse the following JSON in Android?
Because keysarray (a, B, c) is dynamic, and the core has the same object name? Please help!!! { "result":"success", …… -
Android – how do I make buttons submit multiple textviews to my email?
I checked. This is the most common way to send e-mail Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); i.setType("message/rf…… -
Android – firebase searches by character
I use firebaserecycleradapter in my firebase application. Until now, I don't know how to search firebase by character.…… -
Android – cannot find “libsupportjni. So” in debug version type
I use muiltdex, which must happen when I choose the debug build type; But it doesn't happen when I choose to publish t…… -
Android – firebase jobdispatcher – scheduled jobs are lost on device restart
I'm using firebase jobdispatcher. I have scheduled some work. If I keep the device on, it works normally. But if I res…… -
Android – add clip in recyclerview.viewholder
I have a recyclerview.viewholder, which will add different fragments to its FrameLayout according to the instance of t…… -
FCM for Android: pop up system notification when the application is in the background
Can a pop-up window for firebase system notification be displayed at the top of the screen (when the application is in…… -
How do I update Android things apps?
What if you need to update these applications, such as solving security problems? Many Internet of things devices are …… -
Android databinding activity completed ()
I try to use the databinding library to implement MVVM in my application. I can find a solution to the simple tasks I ……