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Android – how to share HTML text to WhatsApp
I want to share HTML text through WhatsApp. The code I write is as follows Intent sharingIntent = new Intent(Intent.AC…… -
Cardview non removable gray underline (Android 4.0.4 device)
In Android 4.0.4, my card view appears in the false gray underline near the bottom. I can't seem to get rid of it. I t…… -
Android – IOException when using loopj synchttpclient
I need to use loopj's synchttpclient in several areas. When I use asynchttpclient, the request returns successfully. W…… -
Java – runtimetypeadapterfactory says “type” is undefined
I am dealing with the case where I need to deserialize a polymorphic class Class Pen{ String name; List<Animal&…… -
Android – how to collapse appbarlayout but not the contents of the toolbar
This is my application screen: And layout XML: < android:id="@+id/con…… -
Android – rotates the bitmap at a fixed point like a timer in surfaceview
I have an image in a paintable folder for the clock pointer. I want to rotate it at a fixed point like a timer. I trie…… -
Java – how to get the version code of dependent packages?
public static int getPackageVersion(Context context, Class<?> tClass) { int versionCode = 0; //#1) Get …… -
Android – floating operation button hidden behind the navigation drawer
I'm trying to advertise a fab to my clip, but it's hidden behind the navigation bar. The problem is that the layout th…… -
Android – cannot update recyclerview from my model class?
Invalid Sign Invalid Sign The problem is that I cannot notify fetchexecute of the changed data through the postexecute…… -
Android – when listening to deskclock alarm intent, logcat cannot work in onReceive in the broadcast receiver
I am using my broadcast receiver to listen to the deskclock alert change intention. When the onreceive() method in my …… -
Java – do immortal objects really exist?
In this article: xamarin – use weak references to prevent immortal objects. It says that if two objects strongly refer…… -
Or clause in firebase Java Android
Who knows how I can make a common "or" in the where clause in firebase? I need to do this in the query because I send …… -
Reason: java.lang.illegalstateexception: unable to create directory in Android 6.0 device
I have to use the downloadmanager to store the downloaded image from the URL and store it in an SD card with my own di…… -
Android – you cannot check the styled center check box when using talkback or voiceover
I've developed a mobile web application and I'm testing its accessibility. When I use talkback (touch browsing enabled…… -
C# – xamarin.forms property is not saved in Android version
I'm using xamarin. Forms and application. Current. Properties to persist user settings. I tested it on Android and it …… -
Android – white border around dark theme cardviews
I have a custom control that extends cardview. I add it to the linear layout so that I can create a card grid. I don't…… -
Android – how to switch the action bar when touching maps such as Uber
I have implemented a map, whose behavior is similar to that of Uber application, that is, in the center pin, mapping a…… -
Java – torch / flashlight application (Android. Hardware. Camera is not recommended)
I have a torch / flashlight application that uses this code open params = camera.getParameters(); params.setFl…… -
Android – how to disable native toast messages
I am creating a remote application. One of the buttons on the remote control can adjust the volume up and down. I have…… -
Android – how do I set different themes for button selectors?
How to set different styles for button selectors according to the current application theme? This is my button_ select…… -
Android – how to change the locale to use Latin Serbian (not Cyrillic Serbian)
setLocale("sr", "RS"); setLocale("sr_Latn", "RS"); //and setLocale("sr_Latn_RS", "RS"); resolvent: private static …… -
Android – greenroot’s eventbus: two fragments call asynchronous tasks to work, which puzzles eventbus
I am currently dealing with fragments created under activities using the fragmentpageradapter. I use eventbus 3.0 of g…… -
Android – saves battery by not painting each render call
I think there must be a simple solution, which I ignored. I think one option is framebuffer, but I'm not sure whether …… -
Android – how to bundle the realm database file with my application for installation
I have a dataset of about 50K records and I want to put it in the real database. I'm not sure how to create this datab…… -
Android – write Cordova console.log to a file
Who knows if console.log can be written to a file or something like that? I have logged in to my application, but it i…… -
Java – AdMob native ads in recyclerview
I hope to implement AdMob native advertising in my quotation application, which has recyclerview. I am learning the pr…… -
Cannot find explicit activity class. Have you declared this activity in androidmanifest.xml
I am trying to implement preferenceactivity in my application, following the answers accepted in this question I got t…… -
Android – recyclerview project content is not visible
Use recyclerview to display data from JSON. Each recycler item contains an image and several textviews But whenever I …… -
Android – how do I create a large fuzzy shadow behind textview?
I want to create a fairly large soft shadow under textview. But I can't use a large enough shadow radius because Andro…… -
Android – after I updated to retrofit 2.0, I released the onnext call to onnext in different threads
When we used retrofit 1.9, my colleagues created the following courses public class SomeApiCallAction { private Sub…… -
Android – onscroll gesture detector
I want to implement onscroll when a scrolling event occurs. But I don't understand how to use the parameters received …… -
Android – cannot resolve base64.encodetostring
I'm trying to save an image on firebase using the following code Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(imgDecodableSt……