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Solve the problem that recyclerview nested recyclerview causes the page to jump to the middle
In a word, add the following paragraph to the outermost recyclerview layout file android:descendantFocusability="bloc…… -
Java – glsurfaceview using OpenGL es 3.1 context
I'm working with Android using OpenGL. I know how to use glsurfaceview and its custom derived classes to create an Ope…… -
Android – how to get image URI from Gallery
I need to get an image from the gallery. I can open the gallery to select an image, but it will not return anything af…… -
Merging SVN with Android studio
I have SVN connection to eclipse (Windows). Now I want to use SVN to import projects from eclipse to Android studio (W…… -
Android – how to overlay one path on another
I currently have the following codes: private void drawGreen(Canvas canvas) { greenPaint.setColor(0xFF00AA00); …… -
Android – how to create a file from an image URL without downloading an image
How do I create a file from an imageurl? I know what to do I want to know how to create a file object without download…… -
Does the Android – will monkey test occasionally enter the settings and click the restart button to restart the device?
When conducting monkey test on Android device, I send adb shell monkey --ignore-security-exceptions --ignore-crashes -…… -
Android – hidden toolbar visible under status bar
Use coordinatorlayout to hide my toolbar when scrolling down The toolbar thinks it's hidden - but that's not the case …… -
Android – does Bluetooth lescanner. Startscan() need new permission for marshmallow?
In Android version 6.0 (API 23), I noticed that Bluetooth lescanner. Startscan () needs new permissions; ACCESS_ COARS…… -
Android – how to create an extensible listview in the navigation drawer?
I need to create a navigation drawer, such as flipkart or Astro file manager application. How to replace listview with…… -
Charles notes
1. Installation: configuration of ubuntu16.04 system Charles 2. Use Charles to capture the HTTPS request of android ap…… -
Android – how do I pass non Parcelable objects from one activity to another?
I have two objects instantiated from two different classes, which do not implement parseable or serializable. I want T…… -
Android – display GIF images with library
I'm using this library to display GIF images: But I don't know how to implem…… -
Java – change extension activity class
Hello, I'm trying to create my first application on Android. Sorry for the stupid question, but I'm desperate I create…… -
Android – how to use the ble connection of service connection across activities without stopping the service or disconnecting?
I have three components >Activity1 has buttons for connecting and disconnecting ble > activity2 needs to obtain …… -
C# – what is the best way to slide and click on the relative layout in Android?
public bool OnTouch(View v, MotionEvent e) { if (gestureDetector.OnTouchEvent(e)) { //…… -
Android – what is the right way to handle multithreading and realm?
On my Android application, I have a data access layer. I have the following properties on each data storage class Real…… -
Rxjava rx.exceptions.missingbackpressureexception with filter and mapping
I've just started using rxjava / rxandroid, and I have some questions to know how to deal with back pressure correctly…… -
Delay in sending data from mobile app to Android wear
Invalid Sign I also try to use the report library for wearable. I can confirm that it is feasible at the mobile end, b…… -
Android – you cannot right-click a listview with fastscroll enabled
Invalid Sign <ListView android:id="@+id/contacts" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_he…… -
Live broadcast from GoPro 4 session to unofficial live broadcast
I am developing an Android application to get the real-time stream from GoPro 4 session to the application In the prev…… -
How to delete built-in margins in Android WebView using JavaScript
I use Android WebView in my application. I noticed that it has a built-in edge. So I need to delete it according to th…… -
Android – failed to deploy to App Engine – you must log in to perform this operation
I am new to Android studio and have just completed this tutorial…… -
Android – collapsingtoolbarlayout set animation threshold?
In my application, when I start scrolling the layout, collapsing toolbar layout almost immediately starts changing the…… -
Android – using action_ GET_ Content the correct way to select the file path
I implemented a file selector in my application, as follows: Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setType("*/*"); inte…… -
C# – application xamarin cannot be deployed correctly
My Android application is not built and deployed correctly. When a new instance is started, it will start my applicati…… -
Android – add text to layout?
I have a horizontal small screen layout. I have some text in the textview in the layout... But it is not displayed. I …… -
Android – adjust the width and height of the dialogfragment
I have a problem with the width and height of dialogfragmentn. This is my class representing dialogfragmentn: public c…… -
Java – recyclerview displays the deleted data on the list
I have implemented recyclerview with inbox style sliding view. When swiping my card, I deleted the list item using the…… -
Java – how to move objects at speed correctly?
I recently started playing Android and decided to try to make a basic physical simulator, but I encountered a small pr…… -
Android – Scrollview in percentrelativelayout 23.2.1 has incorrect zero height
I have a layout, which contains a Scrollview with LinearLayout and its children: a percentrelativelayout 23.2.1, anoth…… -
Android – ‘com. Example. * *’ and ‘com. Example. * * {*;}’?
When I use Proguard, what is the difference between com. Example. * * and com. Example. * * {*;}? For example, what ha……