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Android – Facebook account suite redirects to my app
I created a Facebook accountkit demo. I'm logging in using email. It sent an email on my Gmail account. I verified the…… -
Android – java.lang.stackoverflowerror: the stack size is 8MB, and textview#settextisselectable is enabled / disabled in the listview adapter
Invalid Sign Here is my code example. If I have any errors, please let me know import; import and…… -
Check Google play purchase from Java Server
I'm trying to verify the purchase using the Google play API. I'm buying a Buyid and I'm trying to get its status by ca…… -
Android – monitor startactivity in logcat
I remember that when using Android 2. X that day, the application can use read_ Logs permission monitors logcat. The a…… -
Java – how to make the foreground attribute of a button work under API 23?
I have two buttons nested in LinearLayout. Between these buttons are two textviews. In XML, I have set the foreground …… -
Android – how to use espresso to check textinputlayout for errors
I want to be able to run the matcher against a textinputlayout view with an error set onView(withId(…… -
Java – runtimeException: the view tag on the view is incorrect: the viewagendaitembinding. Bind() method is null
I have very simple code that should work according to several articles on databinding, but for some reason it is not I…… -
JavaScript – lose focus and close the keyboard when you click outside the textinput field locally?
I have studied it and found that this article: react-native: hide keyboard But it didn't work for me. When I touched t…… -
Java – expansion exception after sliding between tab views several times
I am using the tablayout setting with viewpager to slide between three clips. The application can initialize the switc…… -
Java – invalid paintable tag vector – appcompat-v7: 24.1.1
OK, I've read most of the available answers to similar questions, but it doesn't solve my problem gradle classpath’com…… -
Java – some questions about gradle for Android Development
I have some questions about gradle >What is the difference between buildscript. Dependencies and? Dependency? > …… -
Android – espresso junit4 – log in once before running all tests
I want to write some automated tests for one of my applications. All functions need to be logged in So, I have written…… -
Android – softkeyboard hide the buttons under multiline EditText?
I have a relativelayout with a button under EditText. Ideally, when the user clicks EditText and fills multiple lines …… -
Google Maps Android API V2 – infowindow on polyline?
I draw polylines on the map and I need to display some data to the user How do I draw text or infowindow on each polyl…… -
Android – how do I programmatically scroll recyclerview through specific pixels?
I expanded recyclerview, so I can expand it. It works the way I want, but now I want to scroll x pixels programmatical…… - http request failed, HTTP status: 500 (ksoap2)
I am using ksoap2. When I send a request to the server and get http request fails, HTTP status: 5…… -
Android – unable to run the application – “the target device does not support the ‘run as’ command”
The first time I ran Android studio on a MacBook, I received this error. The program couldn't start on my device. I ju…… -
Android – react native – touchableopacity cannot work in an absolutely positioned view
I have a view with absolute positioning. It has three touchableopacity components, but the three components can't resp…… -
android – Dagger 2 Singleton vs Real Singleton
I want to use daggers in my project. 2. Dagger provides a good method to create singletons. I have some in the project…… -
Android – sqlitefullexception: the database or disk is full (code 13) greendao
How do I resolve the sqlitefulexception in greendao when I delete a record from a table? This is my stack trace: andro…… -
Android – how do I swap items from one part to another and vice versa in the recycler view?
I have a recyclerview. I want to show that the recyclerview has two parts. The first part of the first part is empty. …… -
Android – link firebase parsing to Google play
I'm trying to link my firebase analysis project to Google play, but I created a firebase project with an 'x' email ID,…… -
Png loses transparency in Android (if all pixels are opaque)
I have an application with two views - one above the other. In the top one, I use the bitmap loaded from the PNG resou…… -
Detect Android: weight in JavaFX
I am developing a small software for JavaFX training In Android, inside LinearLayout, I can expand the view to fill th…… -
android – Applozic ConversationActivity to Fragment
I want to add applozic coverationactivity to the navigation drawer as a fragment. Do you think it's possible? resolven…… -
Android – how do I listen to fragment Backstack pop only?
I want to know when the clip pops up from the background My code is as follows private void setupChildFragmentPopListe…… -
Android studio 2.2.2 uses the binary repository to publish my app module to jcenter as a library
Here, I have successfully completed the QR code scanning project. I use the qrcodereader view 1.0.0 V URL repository. …… -
Android – custom res screens and res icons are replaced by default Cordova screens and icons
I am using Visual Studio tools from Apache Cordova I have tested cli 6.4.0. Unfortunately, there are errors in res scr…… -
Android – how do I get an image from another application’s notification?
I'm creating a notification management application. I want to get the notification content displayed by other applicat…… -
Java – refactoring constant classes to enumerations in Android studio
I want to refactor the old code that uses a kind of constant to enumerate. The code has been used in several places in…… -
Android – the action bar displays only one item next to the search view
I want to have a search view and two buttons in the action bar, so I created menu / options_ menu.xml: <menu xmlns…… -
Android – why doesn’t the AdMob advertising frequency limit work?
I set up two display times per minute for each user, but it didn't work. The advertisement will be displayed every tim……