Firebase on Android has multiple modules
I am currently trying to implement push notification in our application
So we have three modules
>Application 1 > Logic > Application 2
I gave them obvious names. Applications 1 and 2 depend on the logic module. This module contains all the logic of both applications. Now, I want to send application specific notifications to users logged in on app 1 or app 2
I can't put firebase logic into the logic module because this module is configured as a lib module and not as an app. Now I have to put firebase logic into app 1 and 2, but I can't access this logic from the logic module because app 1 and 2 depend on the logic module, not the opposite
Firebase needs to provide google-services.json for each connected application, and this file needs to generate user specific pushtoken
Is there a way to configure this so that I can generate user specific tokens for push notifications? Therefore, after the user logs in, a pushtoken must be generated according to the application and the user so that the user can be notified on the device he / she logs in
I hope it's clear
There should be nothing to prevent you from achieving what you describe
You can still add firebase SDK dependencies to the library module. You can't use the Google services plug-in on it - it only belongs to the application module