Android-o starts on the secondary display
When I try to start the activity intention, the new activityoptions setlaunchdisplayid (int launchdisplayid) function in android-o always seems to crash my application
When I start an activity from my own application and when I try to start another application (i.e. chrome Canary)
Who knows if this is a general problem with the new API or if I missed something:
A small part of my code is as follows:
options.setlaunchdisplayId(1); startActivity(intent,options);
Note that I'm using 'simulate second screen' for testing (@ 1080p, if important)
Update I tried the ADB command ADB shell start – display 1, and the message I got was:
I connect to the second screen through the new API. Here is the code, but there is no way to interact with it
Bundle bdl;
MediaRouter mediaRouter = (MediaRouter) mContext.getSystemService(Context.MEDIA_ROUTER_SERVICE);
MediaRouter.RouteInfo route = mediaRouter.getSelectedRoute(MediaRouter.ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO);
if (route != null) {
Display presentationDisplay = route.getPresentationDisplay();
bdl = ActivityOptions.makeClipRevealAnimation(mView, left, top, width, height).setLaunchBounds(rect).setlaunchdisplayId(presentationDisplay.getDisplayId()).toBundle();
Bundle optsBundle = true ? bdl : null;
Intent intent = new Intent(mContext, SecondaryActivity.class);
mContext.startActivity(intent, optsBundle);