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java. Lang.illegalstateexception: unable to retrieve entitymanagerfactory of unitname crudpu
I need to test for my new job, but it seems that I'm in a coma JDBC / crudds has been configured on the server, Ping s…… -
Java displacement causes a negative number
I try to use displacement to convert bytes to hexadecimal (as char) equivalent However, I encountered some unexpected …… -
Java static synchronization method
What happens when two threads call static synchronization methods with different instances at the same time? Is it pos…… -
Is there any priority between multiple try / catch executions in Java?
In the following program, sometimes I get the following output: Number Format Execption For input string: "abc" 123 oc…… -
The difference between void foo (t y) and void foo (t y) in Java generic classes
Explain in detail the differences (if any) between the following two versions of Java generic classes? class C<T>…… -
Java – get bufferedimage from and OutputStream
I have a function, int readfull (filehandle, OutputStream out), which reads the entire file from the ssh server and st…… -
Is there a Java equivalent of the Java sched module?
Raymond Hettinger released a snippet that uses the sched module provided in the standard Python library to call functi…… -
Java – why is the value of “thread. Currentthread(). Isinterrupted()” false after capturing “interruptedexception”?
As a title public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { Thread thread = new Thread(new Ru…… -
Java – place JMenu on the MAC menu bar
I am using swing JMenu to create a Java application on Mac I want to use the menu bar at the top of the screen, but it…… -
Java – read multiple scanner inputs
What I want to do is have multiple inputs with different variables Each variable is part of a different equation I'm l…… -
Java – extract relative paths from absolute paths
This is a seemingly simple question, but I can't do it in a clean way I have a file path as follows: /This / is / abso…… -
VHDL std_ logic_ Vector index and “downto”
I want to set STD separately_ logic_ Vector to easily annotate individual bits or groups of bits This is what I have: …… -
Date in constructor in Java
I have a constructor class: ... Date d1; Date d2; public DateClass(Date d1,Date d2) { this.d1 = d1; this.d2 = d2…… -
Java – why can’t the content of my JFrame be displayed correctly?
In order to reduce the code, I am taking out the code irrelevant to the problem, such as addactionlistener(); wait My …… -
Java – the program does not display the desired string representation of the object
I created a program in Java that should return all orders to the provider This is the procedure: package sakila.ui; i…… -
Java – split the file into four parts
I want to divide a file (suppose an MP3) into four parts I tried this code But only file1 Mp3 works normally I can't p…… -
Java – find the nth prime
I wrote the following code to find the nth prime Can this improve time complexity? Description: ArrayList arr stores c…… -
java – Math. Invalid cos
This point of my program should use the cosine rule to calculate bottomangle public double bottomAngle() { to…… -
Java – how do I find a value from the HashMap closest to a specific number?
Hi, I have a HashMap < < string, double >, and a function that returns a double value called the answer I wan…… -
Triangle numbers in Java
I'm new to Java. Now I want to learn better loops I did some examples, but I don't know how to make a triangle that lo…… -
Java – create viewholder final in custom listview adapter Android
I have a listview with such a custom adapter @Override public View getView(int position,View convertView,ViewGroup par…… -
Java – find the largest prime number in 600851475143?
I tried from Problem solving 3 But when I run the program, it doesn't print out public class p…… -
Garbage characters when reading text files in Java
I have a Java call windows bat file that performs some processing and generates an output file if ( filexists("output.…… -
Sort the object list based on different data members in Java
I have this course: public class Friend { private String name; private String location; private String temp; private …… -
Java file path best practices
If the operating system is windows, which of the following is the best way to write in Java? 1) String f = "some\\path…… -
Java – declaring class abstraction is a bad design because it has only static members?
My project has a class for loading external resources (i.e. images and audio files) This class has only a few members:…… -
Java – objects to list – > Why do I create a new object?
I want to know why: Data type library public class Bank { String Blz; String Name; public String getBlz() { …… -
Java regex – how to replace patterns or how to replace patterns
I have a pile of HTML files In these files, I need to correct the SRC attribute of the IMG tag <img alt="" src="./S…… -
Syntax sorting in Java
The following two syntax sequences are valid in Java Why are both allowed and is there a preferred syntax order? priva…… -
Concurrent modification exception in Java
See English answers > repeating through a collection, avoiding concurrent modificationexception when removing objec…… -
Java – when using “. Get (0)” in an empty list, I get an out of bounds exception instead of null?
So in my homework, for my error checking test, I made a list < someobject > and I got an indexoutofboundsexcepti……