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Java – how to get to the middle of a singular linked list in an iteration?
Recently, I was asked a question, how do we get to the middle of the list in an iteration in a separate linked list A …… -
Concurrency – “go is a concurrent Lang” what does that mean?
Go is a concurrent lang. what does that mean? Does this mean that it is a C / C + + / Java succedaneum? Solution A con…… -
Java libraries with more data structures
Anyone can point to some excellent Java libraries (jars), which have more data structures than part of the standard Ja…… -
Java – how to hide public methods?
There is a method in my static state machine that is used only once when my application starts for the first time This…… -
Java – can I determine whether the data is in English or Chinese?
Can you determine whether the data is in English or Chinese? Solution For example, this can be done using statistical …… -
Java – does a 32-bit process need more memory when running on a 64 bit system?
I have a Java application that is quite memory hungry If I run the same application on 64 bit Windows XP Professional …… -
Java – refactoring multiple if else conditions in a method
I'm refactoring my existing code It actually works, but it's a bit confusing. Multiple if else conditions check the va…… -
Multithreading – use non thread safe components with multithreaded components (Design)
Design issues: Using non thread safe components in multithreaded components (collection, API,...) Example: Component1:…… -
Java multithreading – passing data structures to threads
The application I'm writing generates a characterlist character at some stage At this stage, I am trying to create a t…… -
Java – clone and subtract sets – is this useful?
private HashMap<DataObject,HashSet> AllDataObjects; private HashMap<DataObject,HashSet> AllDataObjects; .…… -
Java – constructor for masquerading unit tests
I have a set of classes with dependencies when instantiating, that is, when creating an object of type A, it also crea…… -
Java – servletrequestwrapper or servletresponsewrapper in production?
Have you seen anything useful to extend httpservletresponsewrapper / httpservletrequestwrapper or servletrequestwrappe…… -
Java – how do I step through the program in eclipse?
I want to follow a java program so that I can understand how everything works together I can do this with visual studi…… -
How to write a Java directory selector?
How to write a directory selector is as follows: or In Java? PS 1: I'm developing a desktop application. I use swing i…… -
Java – graph: find an algorithm to determine the shortest path from one point to another in a rectangular maze?
I am trying to work out an appropriate algorithm to move from the start position to the exit position in the maze 10 3…… -
Java – a faster way to batch save using Hibernate?
I have a program that reads text files line by line, creates a hibernate entity object from each line, and saves them …… -
Java socket non blocking read
I am using datainputstream to read characters / data from the socket I want to use it readUnsignedShort(); If there ar…… -
Why doesn’t it work for Java to return a statement within a catch block?
Why does the following code always return true even if an exception is thrown? public boolean write (ArrayList<Stri…… -
Java – how to customize exception handling behavior in JUnit 3?
I want to use JUnit 3 to implement exception checking (as in JUnit 4) For example, I would like to be able to write th…… -
Java – why cast to closed first?
While reading some java source code, I came across this line: ((Closeable) some_obj).close(); some_ Obj is obviously a…… -
Java – Android and gson throw no args constructor not found exception
There is a gson problem in my android app JSON input [ {"id":"1202","parent_id":"0","agrpcount":"0","disp_order":"…… -
Java – expect this loop to be infinite, but it’s not
This is my java code: public class Prog1 { public static void main(String[] args) { int x = 5; whi…… -
Java conversion / classloader problem
The following is a simplified version of the problem: SomeClass c = (SomeClass) obj.getSomeClassParent() Not always, e…… -
Java – convert InputStream to FileInputStream
I have read this article how to convert InputStream to FileInputStream However, if you are using a resource in a jar f…… -
What are the problems with using objects in Java to call static methods?
If I have the following: class A { public A() { } public static void foo() { System.out.println("foo() called"); }…… -
Java – jcombobox in JTable cell
I have a JTable created using a model, which is based on an object matrix for(int i=0; i < n ; i++) { ..... …… -
Entity-framework-4 – ef4 codefirst ctp5 nvarchar (max) via attribute
Is there a way to create a custom attribute so that EF codefirst uses nvarchar (max) as the data type when assigning a…… -
Java – how do I get a spring transaction manager instance?
I use annotations to mark the methods that should be executed in a transaction However, there is one place where I nee…… -
Java – connect two calls through a web application
I need to add a feature to my java based web application that allows users to click on links, and the application will…… -
Java – monitor Internet activity
I want to design the Java application for montior Internet activity Let's consider opening different browsers and send…… -
Java color opacity
I have a way to determine the color based on certain values The method is as follows: public Color color(double val) {…… -
Java – a system that players drop (basically gravity)
I'm making a game like Doodle Jump to make your players as high as possible Now I let my player work and move But the ……