java – Math. Invalid cos

This point of my program should use the cosine rule to calculate bottomangle

public double bottomAngle() {

        topAngleinradians = Math.toradians(topAngle) ;

        return (Math.cos(topAngleinradians)(bottomAngle() = ladderLength^2 + floorLength^2 - verticalHeight^2) / 2 * ladderLength * floorLength) ;

Error generated:

This is my error list. I can't figure out what's wrong with my formula All methods such as verticalheight and ladderlength work well in other methods I got the formula wrong Can you help me?


If you do not see the error list, a syntax error occurs:

return(Math.cos(topAngleinradians)(bottomAngle()= ladderLength ^ 2 floorLength ^ 2 – verticalHeight ^ 2)/ 2 * ladderLength * floorLength);

>What do you think of math There is no operator between the call to cos() and the next part of the expression. > It seems that you are also assigning values to function calls, which makes no sense. >^ The operator is not an exponential operator, but a bitwise exclusive or operator You may be looking for math pow().

These are the tops I see It may be helpful to read about Java operators and how they are evaluated

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