Java file path best practices
If the operating system is windows, which of the following is the best way to write in Java?
String f = "some\\path\\file.ext";
String f = "some/path/file.ext";
String f = "some"+File.separator+"path"+File.separator+"file.ext";
String f = new StringBuilder("some").append(File.separator).append("path").append(File.separator).append("file.ext").toString();
Editor: in view of the comments, I should clarify It absolutely depends on the background What would you do? If you try to create a file path in the "native" operating system format, I will use option 5, file:
File f = new File("some"); f = new File(f,"path"); f = new File(f,"file.ext");
Or better, put this logic into the method:
public static File newFile(String root,String... parts) { // TODO: Check that nothing's null (root,parts,each element of parts) File ret = new File(root); for (String part : parts) { ret = new File(ret,part); } return ret; }
Then you can use:
File f = SomeUtilityClass.newFile("some","path","file.ext");
(this may exist in the recent JRE, but if so, I don't know where it is.)
If you only need something suitable for FileInputStream, etc., I may just hard code the forward slash for two reasons:
>They are easier to read than backslashes > they will also work on other operating systems
Either way, I may still create a file because it gives clearer values Most IO APIs in Java accept files in place - and it makes all the surrounding code obvious that this is a file path So you can use:
File file = new FIle("some/path/file.ext");
... this still applies to windows You can then use file Getcanonicalfile to get the specification. If you like, you can use backslash instead of forward slash