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Java – if the else statement has four results, but only two seem to work
So I'm studying my first project on programming Never tried any programming I want it to be able to choose between fou…… -
Java – no data source is configured to run this SQL
I have a problem creating tables (for databases) in Java At present, I am using IntelliJ idea. When I write code to cr…… -
The shortest representation of special lambda expressions in Java 8
I'm new to Java 8 and I'm messing up a little Now I have tried the andthen method of the function interface consumer i…… -
Java – how to correctly throw a NullPointerException?
I need to write a method delete (), which accepts an int parameter K and deletes the k-th element in the linked list (…… -
Java – how to delete firebase data after “n” days
I want to delete some old data in my friedbase I know this question has been asked a lot here, but it is still difficu…… -
Java – how to restrict method calls to specific methods
I have a special requirement. I need to ensure that only specific methods in one class are allowed to call public (non…… -
Is there any way to use the onresourcerequested callback of phantomjs in the Java driver?
I want to avoid loading CSS files in phantom JS I'm using a Java driver page.onResourceRequested = function(requestDat…… -
Java – logback roll only for file size
I'm using logback 1.0 13. I want my log files to scroll completely based on file size If it takes two hours or two yea…… -
How do I enable gzip for restcontroller?
See English answers > using gzip compression with spring boot / MVC / javaconfig with restful 8 @RestController pub…… -
Java – x = x equals x = 2x 1: why?
The question is just curiosity: I want to know what the value of some int x is after the x = x line int x=10; x+=++x; …… -
Java – how does Android add icons to each listview list item and change the text color and background color
I have a navigation drawer with some list items How to add icons to each list item and change the text color and backg…… -
Java – Tomcat 7 and spring start the war
When I deployed the war to Tomcat 7, I received the following message: nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundEr…… -
Java – this method standard uses varags Length instead of Boolean?
I call this method many times in many places: private String changeFirstCharCase(String word) { return Character.t…… -
Java – spring data JPA cannot be configured: the specified class is an interface
I have started using spring data JPA Unfortunately, I can't configure it I have entity class and repository interface,…… -
Java-8 – optional, do not handle null elements
When I experiment with optional < T >, I do not process null elements, so in the following example, it throws Nu…… -
Java ternary compared with large objects
Ternary operators are usually just a topic of philosophical discussion: a=b>5?1:0; More readable, faster, cooler if…… -
How does Java 8 add custom elements to a collection?
Is there a Java 8 mode to perform the following operations? for(int i;i<=100;i++){ Person person=new Person(); …… -
Java 8 stream adds a new object to the list from the return value
I want to save the return value of the method and use it to create a new object and add it to the list Here is a clear…… -
The Java static method can be invoked in Kotlin.
Suppose we have a Java static method: //Java code public static void printFoo() { System.out.println("foo"); } Can…… -
Set boolean flag in Java 8 stream
I wonder what is the best practice for setting boolean flag values from Java streams Here is an example I want to do: …… -
Java – exceptions in Google guava eventbus and event handlers
The guava eventbus documentation illustrates this If you know that some exceptions may occur, you can register the sub…… -
Java – Android textview text is truncated at the bottom
So I have two text views, one above the other, but when the second text view is filled, the cut is truncated at the bo…… -
JavaFX button with multiple text lines
I need to create a toolbar on the screen. It has multiple buttons. Each button must have multiple lines of text For ex…… -
Java – which EJB 3 persistent provider should I use?
I use EJB 3 on a fairly large J2EE project. By default, NetBeans sets the persistence provider of entity beans to TopL…… -
Java – IntelliJ: search for checked exceptions, declare them in the method signature, but never throw them into the body
I have a fairly simple IntelliJ / tools question here: Thank you in advance Solution Open the settings and select edit…… -
Java – Scala check optional string is null or empty
I'm new to scala. I want to learn how to add null and null checks to optional strings? val myString : Option[String] …… -
Java sound generation generates noise
I'm using javax Sound to make sound, but when you play, they will make some noise in the background. If you play sever…… -
Java – how to use the “dynamic optimization import” option to prevent Android studio from deleting wildcard imports
If you use editor > How do I prevent Android studio from using wildcards to delete imports? General > auto impor…… -
Java – how to print the largest number in a map
I'm reading a map in Java I want to browse a map with different numbers and print out the three largest numbers in the…… -
Java – why is the difference between specific dates (03 / 12 / 2018) not the exact number of days?
I'm facing a strange problem with Java (versions 6, 7, 8) In this code, I try to calculate the date difference between…… -
Java Stream Collectors. Tolist() does not compile
Anyone can explain why the following code can't be compiled, but what about the second code? Do not compile private vo…… -
Java – how to use recursion to check whether all values in an array are equal?
I try to solve this algorithm recursively; I want to check that all values in the array are the same (or equal to each……