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Java: triple curl support
I received some comment codes, unlike any code I've encountered before: //{{{ Imports import imports; //}}} Each metho…… -
Parse the CSV file in Java and delete it with a null value
I'm parsing the CSV file into my program, splitting the value into elements, and it works normally unless I have a lin…… -
The Java – equals method is incompatible with throwable
I have some externally provided callbacks to run Because they can contain anything, I prefer to risk catching throwabl…… -
Rxjava in scheduler IO () does not work in the thread
The problem is: I have observable and subscriber I'm trying Start observable in the IO () thread because it applies to…… -
Will JavaFX alert truncate messages?
See English answers > JavaFX alerts and their size 4 Example: import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.…… -
Java – inheritance and ‘instanceof’ test results
I'm studying 'instanceof' Java, but I can't clearly understand 'instanceof'. I think the following answers are true an…… -
Java date difference days
See English answers > Android / Java – date difference in days 18 Date nextCollectionDate = dispenseNormal.getDispe…… -
Java – a simpler way to reverse the comparator created inline by static methods (functional interfaces)?
Since the comparator < T > is a functional interface, I can do this Comparator<Instant> instantComparator …… -
Changes of Java 7 for HashMap in Java 5
I am not a Java expert. I just experience the changes in the output of the following programs on Java 5 and Java 7 Doe…… -
Java filter list to generic type T
What should I do (without compiling): <T> List<T> getElementsOf() { return .…… -
Java enum is initialized with conditions
In some cases, I want to initialize my enumeration foo with the following values private enum Foo { BAR1("1"),BAR2("…… -
Reentrant locks – Java concurrency in practice
Here are some sample code for reentry locking for "Java concurrency in practice": class Widget { public synchronized v…… -
JavaFX callback lambda expression
So I'm trying to update the old JavaFX application I created on the Java 6 release I got a hint that I can convert the…… -
How to make Java wait for user input
I'm trying to make an IRC robot for my channel I hope the robot can get commands from the console In order to make the…… -
Model view controller – JavaFX includes fxml in fxml without controller
I am writing an application using JavaFX My scenario is defined in different fxml files Because I tried to use MVC mod…… -
Java – define new variables
I'm a novice in Java programming. I met something I don't quite understand: if (Object.getSomething() != null) { …… -
Constructor: final double in Java
I can't understand why the double XX and YY are placed last in the constructor Why don't I double them XX and double Y…… -
Java – use the for loop to move an array of characters
I created a char [] [A,A,B,C] I want to delete the last character, then move the other characters up one and store a n…… -
Java – onitemclicklistener() does not use the list adapter
I extract the data into the list adapter by calling a function called getalldishes() Now I want to add onitemclicklist…… -
java – Stream. Is findany a short circuit operation?
Consider this code Object found = .filter( s -> myPredicate1(s)) .filter( s -> myPre…… -
java – AlarmManager. AlarmClockinfo. Getnextalarmclock() caused NullPointerException
problem When I try to use AlarmManager The alarmclockinfo object getnextalarmclock() is thrown by my application: tryi…… -
Java – cannot convert an empty string value to an enumeration
I am looking for a convenient solution to filter out fields pointing to empty string values before / during deserializ…… -
How to copy files in Java through bufferedinputstream and bufferedoutputstream?
I want to use bufferedinputstream and bufferedoutputstream to copy large binaries from the source file to the target f…… -
Java – if it is not null, put the value into the map
Does java have anything similar? map.putIfValueNotNull(key,value) Therefore, I can put the value in the map only if it…… -
Modify BigInteger after Java partition
I've read a lot here and can't completely find out why this line is wrong: ArrayList <BigInteger> data = new Arr…… -
Java Math. POW does not work properly
See English answer > integer division: how do you produce a double? 10 System.out.println(Math.pow(16,0.5)); is 4.0…… -
Java – no math High power modulus of BigInteger
I have to turn this formula into Java code: If I can use something like math A library like BigInteger would be easier…… -
Java – eclipse cannot start the tomcat-7 server in debug mode
I'm trying to debug my code. Eclipse doesn't explain it in debug mode, but it works well when it starts normally Here …… -
Java – how to dynamically get fields from POJOs
The following is my POJO class, which has 50 fields with setters and getters Class Employee{ int m1; int m2; int m3; .…… -
Lambda – iterates over two lists using a Java 8 stream
How do I write the following in a Java 8 stream? int total = 0; for (ObjectA obja : rootObj.getListA()) { for (O…… -
Java – why does a new string with UTF-8 contain more bytes
byte bytes[] = new byte[16]; byte bytes[] = new byte[16]; random.nextBytes(bytes); try { return new String(bytes,"U…… -
Java 8 – how do I copy attribute values from one list to another?
I have two lists, for example: List<Foo> list1 = Lists.newArrayList(new Foo(...),...); List<Bar> list2 = L……