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Asynchronous – f# asynchronous workflow / task combined with free Monad
I'm trying to build a pipeline for message processing using the free monad pattern. My code looks like this: module Pi…… -
Learning Java, why don’t I get some thread overlap?
I tried the following code: /* package whatever; // don't place package name! */ import java.util.*; import java.lang…… -
Java – appium long press and move elements (drag and drop) do not work
I have a solution to test such IOS applications: I use the following code: TouchAction action = new TouchAction(driver…… -
Java – hashcode contract that maintains specific conditions, and equals () depends on two integers
I have a basic structure class: class Employee { int eId; String eName; Employee(int id,String name) { this.eId= …… -
Java – improve code that breaks down faster?
I want to finish this code faster It returns all the factors (prime) of a long number If longnumber is specific, it ob…… -
Read stream from S3 using clojure / Java
I have a large file on S3. I hope to decode and parse it when downloading I happen to use clojure Amazon library, but …… -
Leiningen: create an executable jar to run without Java – jar
I tried to understand how to package a command - line application written in clojure for distribution I don't want use…… -
Java return returns blank
I'm trying to create a Java method that returns the sum of two values X and y Currently, when I run the code, the outp…… -
Java – two different variables that get the same value
I am currently working on a small java application, but I have a problem I created two different variables, but after …… -
Java – exception in JUnit interrupt
See English answers > JUnit exception testing 5 For example The testappleissweetandred test calls the following – t…… -
Java – Test and launch the spring boot application
I have a JUnit test. After the test, start a spring boot application (in my example, the main class is springtestdemoa…… -
Java – spring resttemplate send list get list
I want to use spring's resttemplate to provide services. In terms of my services, the code is as follows: @PostMapping…… -
Java – @ suppresswarnings annotation benefits
@Is the suppresswarnings annotation for clearer code, or is there any performance improvement or advantage by adding i…… -
Java – build executables from different jars
I wrote a program that contains various Java libraries used in the program I used NetBeans to make the jar file of my …… -
Java – Jackson – serialize Boolean to 1 / 0 instead of true / false
I have a rest resource to receive a JSON object, which is a mapping from a user ID to a Boolean value, indicating whet…… -
Java – can I create a file in my S3 lambda function?
I am creating a Java function for AWS lambda, which imports a file from AWS S3, as shown below: InputStream videoObjec…… -
Java – how to use reduce only to find the minimum value in the list?
I want to use reduce only to find the minimum value in list < integer > This is my original idea: List<Intege…… -
Combining values with Java 8 streams
If I have a list with integers, is there any way to build another list? If the header difference of the new list is lo…… -
java. Lang. illegalargumentexception “Dao fields cannot be set using spring 4 and Hibernate 4”
I'm trying to follow the tutorial (Using STS): Everything goes well except execution Here's what I got during deployme…… -
What does Java – compareto() actually return?
The CompareTo () method in Java returns a value greater than / equal to / less than 0 But value itself is my problem W…… -
Java – throw exceptions in finally and catch blocks
There is a problem with the exception thrown in catch. Finally, stop: class MyExc1 extends Exception {} class MyExc2 e…… -
Java – is there a functional difference between initializing singletons in the getInstance () method or instance variable definition
Are there any functional differences between the two methods of implementing singleton? public class MySingleton { …… -
Java – understanding TreeSet returns 0 during comparison
I created a student class like this: public class Student implements Comparable<Student> { private String f…… -
Replace values that appear more than once in the vector in R
I have a value vector x <- c(1,2,3,4,5) For each occurrence, I want to replace it with the value in vector Y: y <…… -
Struggling Extending T > wildcard in Java
I have a very basic question The following code cannot be compiled (assuming Apple extensions fruit): List<? extend…… -
How do I find the smallest BigDecimal field in a collection using a Java stream?
I want to use the Java stream to iterate over the list and find the lowest price for BigDecimal The following instruct…… -
Laravel 5.3 – ClassLoader. Errorexception in PHP line 414
I'm using laravel 5.3 I just installed the intervention / image package in my project Everything is normal, but I enco…… -
Java-8 – Java prevents a lot of if and replaces it with design patterns
I use this code in my application and I find it very ugly for (final ApplicationCategories applicationCategorie : appl…… -
Switch statement found in Java method Does the method need to return something?
I was reading some Java textbooks trying to learn a new language, and I encountered this method private String monthNa…… -
Java – collect results from parallel streams
I have a code like this: List<Egg> eggs = hens.parallelStream().map(hen -> { ArrayList<Egg> eggs = …… -
Java – why does kotlin use = = for structural equality and introduce = = = for reference equality
In general, every design decision made by kotlin feels great in itself and provides a good java transition As a java d……