Java – how to use reduce only to find the minimum value in the list?
I want to use reduce only to find the minimum value in list < integer > This is my original idea:
List<Integer> lst; //init //assuming it's not empty,(x,y) -> x.compareTo(y) <= 0 ? x : y);
But in the contract method, it says:
Therefore, the only possible identity value retains the contract of the accumulator (x, y) – > x.compareto (y) < = 0? x: Y is the maximum So we have some egg problems How to solve it and keep all contracts?
Use integer MAX_ VALUE. Everything else will be less than or equal to, so it satisfies all the contracts of min (identity, t) = = t
After further study, I don't think you need this identity One simplification is to take the function as an argument, -java. util. function. BinaryOperator-. This will return optional < integer > instead of an integer I believe the reason is that the method must deal with the absence of elements in the stream In this case, optional < integer > version will return a null value; Although the version that requires an identifier and returns an integer will return the identifier value (similar to mathematics, if you add a set of numbers and it is empty, you should get 0, if you multiply a set of numbers and it is empty, you should get 1) So if you know your list is not empty, you should actually be able to write,y) -> x.compareTo(y) <= 0 ? x : y).get();