Java – eclipse cannot start the tomcat-7 server in debug mode

I'm trying to debug my code. Eclipse doesn't explain it in debug mode, but it works well when it starts normally

Here are the exceptions I got in the eclipse pop-up window:

When I look at the console, everything looks good. Please look

INFO: Loading XML bean deFinitions from ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/security/oauth/details.xml]
Mar 11,2015 11:48:38 AM loadProperties
INFO: Loading properties file from class path resource [dev/]

Please help me


According to the solution, your main problem is that you have included breakpoints in your program If you don't remember breakpoints, you can skip them during program execution Follow these steps

For eclipse. Net only

Menu - > Run - > skip all breakpoints

Now you can easily start the Tomcat server

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