JavaFX button with multiple text lines
I need to create a toolbar on the screen. It has multiple buttons. Each button must have multiple lines of text For example:
I checked the Internet and stackoverflow, but I couldn't find anything to show how to do this in JavaFX I'm using JavaFX 8
Can someone help me?
You can also use wraptextproperty However, you must set the toolbar height to be greater than the expected button height
Button btn = new Button(); btn.wrapTextproperty().setValue(true); // or btn.setWrapText(true); btn.setText("Some looooooooooooong text");
Alternatively, if you want to determine the exact location of the packaging line, you can:
Button btn = new Button(); btn.setText("Line1\n Line2\n Line3");
The last method can be done without changing the height of the toolbar
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