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How do I resize JavaFX images?
I have a JavaFX scene. image. Image, I want to resize it, for example, scale it by a given factor What to do (not conv…… -
com. sun. mail. smtp. SMTPSendFailedException:530-5.5. 1 requires authentication (java mail)
So I tried to make java mail work, because the other answers I saw on this website were useless. I had to assume that …… -
Which class in Java implements the abstract class enumset?
I saw enumset Of() returns an instance of an object of type enumset Solution The following are two classes that extend…… -
Why doesn’t my java exchange function work?
See English answer > is java "pass by reference" or "pass by value"? 78 void swap(int a,int b) { int temp = a; …… -
Java – “unable to parse the symbol ‘request’ of Facebook graph API” error
I will the latest Facebook SDK 4.0 1 is included in the Android studio project I want to make the basic graph API call…… -
How to set the axis (triple axis) in a fixed position on the screen in JavaFX?
How to set the axis (triple axis) in a fixed position on the screen in JavaFX? I am currently developing an applicatio…… -
java. security. Invalidalgorithmparameterexception: the parameter object is not ecparameterspec
We use WL 11g and jdk1.0 on Linux machines 7 update 121 We see the following error to another Weblogic machine during …… -
Java – override methods and then face problems
When the overlay method then faces a problem: public interface IProduct { public void sendMessage(Object object); …… -
java – ClassNotFoundException:org. glassfish. jersey. internal. Runtimedelegateimpl was not found in the OSGi package with CXF dependencies embedded
This is related to jax-rs-2-0-change-default-implementation When I try to deploy webapp, I get the following exception…… -
Java – spring boot – the request method ‘post’ is not supported
Exception pagenotfound: request method 'post' is not supported in my spring boot application This is my controller: @R…… -
Java – cannot serialize a class that has already been serialized?
See the clip below USPresident usPresident = new USPresident(56); try (ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputSt…… -
Java – Google Analytics – networkonmainthreadexception sent in asynctask
I have to implement Google Analytics in the application I'm working on I'm using Android studio I'm not sure if I shou…… -
I want to use string in Java Replaceall (regex, regex) instead of (regex, string)
Example: input = "10N10N"; input = input.replaceAll("1|N","N|1"); // Syntax not correct Expected output: n01n01 What I…… -
Java – how to invert large arrays?
OK, so I know it's very easy to reverse the array by swapping items until you reach the middle like this: int array[SI…… -
The list of Java objects is sorted by specific objects, not by
I have the following jsonarray trying to sort it So, to convert my jsonarray to ArrayList, then sort them and convert …… -
How do I convert UTC date strings and delete T and Z in Java?
I am using java 1.7 Attempt to convert: 2018-05-23T23:18:31.000Z become 2018-05-23 23:18:31 Dateutils class: public cl…… -
RX Java – share() and publish() What is the difference between autoconnect()?
In my opinion I thinkhare () and release () Autoconnect () is the same But in this code, the result is different Obser…… -
Java – why do programmers say “pass by reference” is actually “pass by value?” Why is this important?
I know in C & amp; The entire concept passed by reference in C. And similar concepts only pass values in Java void…… -
Using lambda’s AWS dynamodb trigger in Java
I tried to trigger AWS lambda function written in Java on dynamodb stream event Amazon has the same guide, which uses …… -
Java – insert different arrays in ArrayList
I inserted an array in ArrayList, but after inserting the second array, the first array is the same as the second arra…… -
Java – stream mapping to find the value of the latest key
I have a map < < element, attributes >, which consists of the following (example) classes and instances of en…… -
Java – nosuchmethoderror on some operating system versions
I don't know why I only receive this error on some Android versions (lower than 5.0) I called: myImageView.setImageDra…… -
Java – update multiple volatile and j.u.c.atomic variables atomically
In order to update two or more volatile variables atomically, do you need to protect them through lock with synchroniz…… -
java – Log. D log is not displayed in logcat Android studio d
Android studio does not display any logs I wrote in the code I have tried to set the log to verbose and debug I'm usin…… -
The Java list ` of ‘method is very confusing
When I look at a Java document It is very overloaded, and the number of all elements ranges from 1 to 10 It says: I do…… -
Java – how to find duplicate rows and display the number of repetitions before them
Yes, it's a trivial problem, but I didn't find a duplicate problem Currently, from this collection (ArrayList): Java C…… -
Java – the default icon I can use in Android?
I want a list. I want a small icon for success / failure in each project Solution Ok... You can get a set of material …… -
Java – how to sort an array composed of “null” and a string?
I have an array of 20: private Karte[] deckArr; deckArr = new Karte[20]; Now I want to sort the array by name every ti…… -
Java – Maven integration test cannot find my class in the same package structure
This is my file: POM parents: <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="…… -
How to cut the Java of each loop in half?
I'm working a lot for each loop in Java I'm using them to "draw" every class of my object, but it requires a lot of me…… -
After adding the default method in Java 1.8, does the interface remain completely abstract?
After adding the default method in Java 1.8, does the interface remain completely abstract? I'm sorry if I can't state…… -
Java chess: not sure how to clone correctly
I am writing a basic java chess game and have written the following classes: game, player, chessboard, square, pieces ……