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Match two very large vectors with tolerance (fast! But workspace reserved)
Consider that I have two vectors One is the reference vector / list, which includes all values of interest and a sampl…… -
Java – how to visualize recursion
I try to understand recursion in Java through visualization I've taken some tutorials on youtube and used one of the e…… -
Java – cut and stack arrays
I have an int array as input The length of the array is always 2 ^ n. I want to cut the array in half and stack it Rep…… -
Java – Maven: exclude the “meta-inf / Maven” folder from the jar
I use Maven to build jars When I checked the jar, I saw a maven folder in the meta - inf folder I want it to be exclud…… -
Unit test – unit test vertx – Java util. concurrent. TimeoutException
I'm trying to test HTTP calls from the vertx webclient unit using the rxified version of vertxunitrunner and vertx The…… -
Types – how to specify the element type in the vector of SbCl (or common LISP)?
I tried in SbCl 1.1 14, but it seems that type checking ignores the declaration of the vector element (defun test (vec…… -
Multithreaded (c) program threads cannot be terminated
I'm trying to complete a program that uses multiple threads (3) to distribute $4000 hypothetical scholarships Every ti…… -
Typescript – async / await clarity, with sleep example
I tried to get async / await suspended through the following implementation, but it didn't work as expected public sta…… -
Java – how to interpret a simple setter as a consumer?
First, please wait patiently Most of the time I work in scala (sometimes only on the JVM side) or other languages, so …… -
Java – resteasy002142: multiple resource method matching requests
I'm following two completely different URLs, and I can't explain why: RESTEASY002142: Multiple resource methods m…… -
Java – synchronization block within synchronization block
Can I include a synchronization block in another object to synchronize another object? Example: synchronized(myObjetc1…… -
Java – Android spinner has a different background for each line
I know this topic has been solved many times. I have found several such problems, but I can't meet my needs I want a l…… -
Compilation of generic class using generic interface failed
As far as I know, the following code should run without any compilation errors However, when I run this program, I get…… -
Java – cut and stack arrays
I have an int array as input The length of the array is always 2 ^ n. I want to cut the array in half and stack it Rep…… -
Java – regular expressions that begin with an underscore but do not contain any underscores
I try to get the name of the file from the last underscore until the end For example, ABC_ AA. XML should be ABC and A…… -
Java moves left and fills zeros
I want to move left, but fill in zero, just like int number = 20 >>> 10 = ( 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000…… -
Java – @ datetimeformat not recognized
I tried to annotate a localdatetime object with @ datetimeformat My main idea is that once a string is received in the…… -
Java-8 – pass the Java 8 stream mapping function as a parameter
I have a comma separated string that I want to convert to an array But in some cases, I need integer parsing, and some…… -
Java – array initializers are not allowed here
I have some model classes. I try to declare a list with them, but I get that the array initializer is not allowed here…… -
External configurable filtering using java lambda
Suppose I have an external JSON: [{ "condition": "equals","field": "name","value": "jack" },{ "condition": "…… -
Java – Operator ‘cannot be applied to’t’, which represents a bounded generic type
See English answers > generic type extending number, calculations 2 class MathOperationV1<T extends Number> {…… -
Java – kotlin: generic method and for loop request iterator ()
This is a simple generic method, and passing args in forgs to the for loop causes an error: fun main(args: Array<St…… -
Java-8 – the java8 metaspacesize flag does not work
I have a simple test code that sets - XX: metaspacesize and - XX: maxmetaspacesize to the same value I don't think Met…… -
Java – hibernate inheritance using different primary keys
I'm trying to use table_ PER_ Class policy creates inheritance, but I want to create a different primary key for each …… -
Types – how to specify the element type in the vector of SbCl (or common LISP)?
I tried in SbCl 1.1 14, but it seems that type checking ignores the declaration of the vector element (defun test (vec…… -
Side effects in Java methods
This may be a trivial question, but I need to clarify public Example someMethod() { // ... different lines here …… -
Java – read semicolon delimited CSV
I have the following code block, which uses opencsv to read CSV files and store column 7 The problem I face is that I …… -
Java – unable to parse the import org. Org springframework. test. context. junit4. SpringRunner
I'm trying to solve this problem from now on But I still haven't solved it I just got out of spring IO downloads a spr…… -
The value passed by Java is explicit
See English answer > is java "pass by reference" or "pass by value"? 78 Cell boardGame[][] = new Cell[8][8]; I need…… -
Java – does the playframework return absolute URLs in HTTP instead of HTTPS?
I'm using only HTTPS in nginx play! A project is implemented in the framework Everything is normal, SSL is recognized,…… -
Java – boxed Boolean equivalent
Quick question: are you sure this code is always true? Boolean b1 = true; Boolean b2 = true; System.out.println(b1 == …… -
Java – spring boot with bluemix error: no buildpacks detected a compatible application
pace: >Use start spring. IO create a new project > run it locally – work > run gradle task jar > push jar ……