包含标签:Java 的文章
Should I manually implement the spring data warehouse method using the Java 8 default method?
When using the new spring data Evans distribution, I'm glad to use some good things to use with Java 8 One is the defa…… -
Java – streaming audio from PC to smartphone?
For Christmas 2016, my father and I want to make a light for our community with lights and music We have light setting…… -
Java – mockito mock object returns null
Hi, I'm trying to implement some tests for my JSF application and mocks. I use mockito (I also use springs) @RunWith(M…… -
Java generic boundary type
Are the following two signatures the same? public static <T> void work(Class<T> type,T instance); and publ…… -
Java – ant: how to compile jars containing source attachments
How to create a jar containing source attachments using ant? Maven did it, but I haven't been vivid since 2003 (well, …… -
Java – if multiple threads are updating the same variable, what should be done to update the variable correctly for each thread?
If multiple threads are updating the same variable, what should I do to update the variable correctly for each thread?…… -
Java – how to inject beans into ApplicationContext before loading from a file?
I have a filesystemxmlapplicationcontext. I want the bean defined in XML as a constructor parameter, a bean that is no…… -
Java expression compilation error
See English answers > why is n + + + n valid while N + + + n is not? one int x=-3; System.out.println(x-----x);…… -
java – Short toHexString
There is a method integer Tohexstring() and long toHexString(). For some reason, they did not implement short toHexStr…… -
Java – save treeviewer state before setinput()
I tried to save the Jface treeviewer extension state to refresh it after calling the setinput () method I tried the se…… -
Multithreading — is it safe to call multiple threads of DLL function in a single application?
I write a server application in Delphi 2009 to realize several types of authentication Each authentication method is s…… -
Java – how can I fail Hudson / Jenkins if the sonar threshold is broken?
I'm using Maven to build my java application. Jenkins provides metrics for CI and sonar At present, I have a construct…… -
Java – docker settings
I'm reading docker today and even trying to run it on vagrant's laptop But I still don't know why, especially how to i…… -
How does Java embed virtual function boundaries?
I am reading some materials to explain whether Java can be faster than C, and I encounter the following quotation: "Ja…… -
Java – get an exit instruction from the library
To my surprise and fear, I just met system Line of exit (1); In the library I use I'm planning to contact the author o…… -
Guava’s immutablelist Is the builder thread safe?
Guava’s ImmutableList. What is the thread security of builder? Javadoc doesn't say Solution Although guava invariant c…… -
Java – why does jodatime and calendar return different results
Why did this test fail: DateTime dateTime = new DateTime(1997,01,00,DateTimeZone.UTC); long jodaMills = dateTime.g…… -
Java – Apache nutch – path problem
I tried to set Apache nutch to grab the URL and follow this guide As an old guide (this guide is 1. X, I use 2.3), I h…… -
Java – jooq and transactions
I've been reading about transactions & jooq, but it's hard for me to see how to implement it in practice Suppose I…… -
Java – a good working example of selenium 2 and webdriver
I've been using selenium 1, but now I want to migrate to selenium 2 / webriver To be honest, I find it a little diffic…… -
java – Hibernate:org. hibernate. hql. ast. Querysyntaxexception: unexpected token
I use hibernate. I have this query: List<Person> list = sess.createQuery("from Person").list(); With this statem…… -
Replace all substrings that appear in the string – is this more efficient in Java?
I know two ways to replace all substrings in a string Regular expression (assuming that "sub character substitution" d…… -
Java – how to query the values of columns set in parse as pointers to other tables
I use parse as my application. I want to query a table in which columns are set as pointers to other tables This is a …… -
Java – why can’t a class extend a static nested class?
This class: public class OuterChild extends OuterChild.InnerParent { public static class InnerParent { } } Una…… -
Java is backward compatible, but why do we need to upgrade many libraries when we upgrade the JDK from 1.6 to 1.8?
Recently, I upgraded the JDK version from 1.6 to 1.8 in a java project However, there are some compilation or runtime …… -
Java – how to get files from a resource folder Spring framework
I tried to dissolve my XML file: public Object convertFromXMLToObject(String xmlfile) throws IOException { FileInp…… -
Print an integer with 2 decimal places in Java
In my code, I use integers multiplied by 100 as decimals (0.1 is 10, etc.) Can you format the output for me to display…… -
Java – parse manifest.xml in jar What is the correct method for entries in MF files?
Manifest.jar included in many Java jars MF contains headers that look like headers See example [*] I want something th…… -
Java – vertx Web: where do I put the Webroot folder?
It should be easy, but not so far I've been using vert X 2 and recently switched to vert x 3. I thought I would try a …… -
You can (and how to) use javax in EJB modules naming. Context #lookup find CDI managed beans?
Yes (if so, how?) Using javax. XML in EJB modules naming. Context #lookup find CDI managed beans? I use GlassFish v3 I…… -
How do I format the Spanish month in a sentence using simpledateformat?
This is my code: /* package whatever; // don't place package name! */ import java.util.*; import java.lang.*; import …… -
How to get the unique ID of each object in Java?
See the English answer > how to get the unique ID of an object which overrides hashcode()? 9 It should be object an……