包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – why do some xhdpi phones only display images in / RES / drawable?
This is a scene There are folders: Drawable LDPI > drawable MDPI > drawable hdpi > drawable xhdpi Images (usu…… -
Java – deserialize immutablelist using gson
I use a lot of immutable collections, and I'm curious about how to deserialize them using gson No one answered. I foun…… -
Multithreading – how do I manage the return values of threads?
I created a class derived from TThread to execute queries in the background I want this class to be separate from the …… -
Multithreading — is it safe to call multiple threads of DLL function in a single application?
I write a server application in Delphi 2009 to realize several types of authentication Each authentication method is s…… -
Java – how can I fail Hudson / Jenkins if the sonar threshold is broken?
I'm using Maven to build my java application. Jenkins provides metrics for CI and sonar At present, I have a construct…… -
Java – docker settings
I'm reading docker today and even trying to run it on vagrant's laptop But I still don't know why, especially how to i…… -
How does Java embed virtual function boundaries?
I am reading some materials to explain whether Java can be faster than C, and I encounter the following quotation: "Ja…… -
Java – get an exit instruction from the library
To my surprise and fear, I just met system Line of exit (1); In the library I use I'm planning to contact the author o…… -
Guava’s immutablelist Is the builder thread safe?
Guava’s ImmutableList. What is the thread security of builder? Javadoc doesn't say Solution Although guava invariant c…… -
Java – why does jodatime and calendar return different results
Why did this test fail: DateTime dateTime = new DateTime(1997,01,00,DateTimeZone.UTC); long jodaMills = dateTime.g…… -
Java – Apache nutch – path problem
I tried to set Apache nutch to grab the URL and follow this guide As an old guide (this guide is 1. X, I use 2.3), I h…… -
Java – jooq and transactions
I've been reading about transactions & jooq, but it's hard for me to see how to implement it in practice Suppose I…… -
Java – a good working example of selenium 2 and webdriver
I've been using selenium 1, but now I want to migrate to selenium 2 / webriver To be honest, I find it a little diffic…… -
java – Hibernate:org. hibernate. hql. ast. Querysyntaxexception: unexpected token
I use hibernate. I have this query: List<Person> list = sess.createQuery("from Person").list(); With this statem…… -
Replace all substrings that appear in the string – is this more efficient in Java?
I know two ways to replace all substrings in a string Regular expression (assuming that "sub character substitution" d…… -
Java – how to query the values of columns set in parse as pointers to other tables
I use parse as my application. I want to query a table in which columns are set as pointers to other tables This is a …… -
Java – references the spring properties file using a path relative to the configuration file
I am moving properties from my spring configuration file to a separate properties file This is included in the configu…… -
Java – converts a string to a header case in JSTL
Is there any way to use JSTL tags to convert strings into header cases? Thank you in advance Solution An alternative t…… -
Java – use ‘valueof’ to retrieve an enumerated throws runtimeException – what is used?
I have the following enumeration enum Animal implements Mammal { CAT,DOG; public static Mammal findMammal(final…… -
Java – references the spring properties file using a path relative to the configuration file
I am moving properties from my spring configuration file to a separate properties file This is included in the configu…… -
java. net. Local file protocol for URL
What is the protocol for local files that use URLs? I have downloaded a file using Java, and I need to know how to acc…… -
Java – write string to CSV file
I tried to write data to a CSV file using Java, but when I tried to open the generated file with Excel, I received an …… -
Java – why are nested blocking annotations generally not allowed?
In most languages I use, you can't nest annotations at all, because "closing" comments. The first occurrence of sintax…… -
Java – Lucene is not a null query?
How do we construct a query to search for specific fields that are not empty field_ Name: * not working I tried field_…… -
java – ClassNotFoundException:org. hibernate. service. jndi. JndiException
I get the following stack trace java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.hibernate.service.jndi.JndiException java.ne…… -
To interleave or interlace two vectors
I want to interleave two vectors of the same pattern and equal length Say: a <- rpois(lambda=3,n=5e5) b <- rpois…… -
jsf – java. lang.NoClassDefFoundError:javax / servlet / jsp / jstl / core / Config
I am using JavaScript and JSF to develop an application for FB login website I have released my code here The problem …… -
Java full screen on Linux – how do I overwrite the taskbar?
I read some related articles and googled a lot I have a problem running Java applications in full screen mode of "open…… -
Java – Flink streaming: how to output a data stream to different outputs according to data?
In Apache Flink, I have a string of tuples Let's assume a very simple tuple1 < string > Tuples can have any valu…… -
Java – method for generating generic types using ASM bytecode generator (classwriter)
Defining simple getters and setters is easy to use ASM (fortunately, even in their FAQs) But there's one thing I didn'…… -
Java – how to use GWT when downloading files using servlet?
I'm creating a simple project that allows me to upload and download files using GWT I can't download files from my ser…… -
Java – learn about mappedby annotation in Hibernate
I try to understand the mappedby attribute of @ onetomany annotation in JPA I created the following example where the ……