Multithreading – how do I manage the return values of threads?
I created a class derived from TThread to execute queries in the background
I want this class to be separate from the client
The purpose of this thread is to perform a simple check (such as the number of users currently connected to the application without blocking the UI), so a simple idea is to use the synchronization method
Anyway, because I want it decoupled, I pass a constructor of type parameters
TSyncMethod: procedure of object;
Tsyncmethod is a method on the client (in my case, a form)
Can I pass the value to tsyncmethod anyway? Should I write the results in some "global places" and then check them in my tsyncmethod?
I tried to think of it
TSyncMethod: procedure(ReturnValue: integer) of object;
Of course, when I call synchronize (mysyncmethod), I can't pass parameters
For such a simple example, you can put the required value into the thread's member field (or even to the thread's own returnValue property), then use the intermediate thread method to execute the callback, and then pass it to the callback value For example:
type TSyncMethod: procedure(ReturnValue: integer) of object; TQueryUserConnected = class(TThread) private FMethod: TSyncMethod; FMethodValue: Integer; procedure DoSync; protected procedure Execute; override; public constructor Create(AMethod: TSyncMethod); reintroduce; end; constructor TQueryUserConnected.Create(AMethod: TSyncMethod); begin FMethod := AMethod; inherited Create(False); end; procedure TQueryUserConnected.Execute; begin ... FMethodValue := ...; if FMethod <> nil then Synchronize(DoSync); end; procedure TQueryUserConnected.DoSync; begin if FMethod <> nil then FMethod(FMethodValue); end;