包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – place instance variable declarations
I've seen some developers put instance variable declarations at the end of the class, although I mainly see them at th…… -
Java – the difference between enumerations Expand zipentry > and enumeration?
Are there any differences between enumerations? Extending zipentry > and enumerating < zipentry >? If so, wha…… -
Java – convert e.printstacktrace() to use log4j instead
I'm new to log4j I don't want to display an exception stack trace in my log file, for example java.lang.IllegalArgumen…… -
Executorservice with invokeall() and future in Java
Master the following codes: ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10); Collection collection = n…… -
Are there any open source java reflection tools or jars?
Are there any open source tools or jars to handle reflection in Java? I dynamically pass the method to a class, and I …… -
Java – how to make spring @ retryable configurable?
I have this code @Retryable(maxAttempts = 3,stateful = true,include = ServiceUnavailableException.class,exclude = URIS…… -
Java – how do I get the response code from volleyerror?
I'm looking for a way to get the response code of the volleyerror thrown My errorlistener looks like this: Response.Er…… -
Java – powerful file transfer from mobile devices to servers
What I need is a file transfer solution (Library) from mobile devices (IOS, Android) to servers (PHP) The basic requir…… -
Java – spring data – mongodb finds the nearest location around the route
I have a model that contains geojson points It is easy to find the closest spring data, but how to retrieve the neares…… -
Java: receive multipart HTTP response
I am writing a java client application to receive real-time M-JPEG video from an IP camera The video is sent by the ca…… -
Java animation clip when not moving the mouse cursor
I have a very simple animation, a large font of text constantly (pixel by pixel) moving to the left First convert the …… -
Java – use reflection to access constructors from abstract base classes
I'm playing java reflection I have an abstract class base with a constructor abstract class Base { public Base( St…… -
java – LinkedBlockingQueue put vs offer
I have a linked blocking queue and I am performing insert and delete operations I need to know which is better to put …… -
How to map MySQL char (n) columns to instance variables using JPA / Hibernate annotations?
For the "language" column in the MySQL table of type char (7), I encountered a JPA / Hibernate mapping problem In my e…… -
JUnit – select the specific test run in gradle
I'm trying to solve our chaotic test run. Unfortunately, I've just graduated We currently have TestNG and JUnit, and I…… -
Using java zip files: are there any restrictions?
I am creating backup routines for Java applications I'm also testing Apache commons compression to tar GZ, but its fil…… -
Java – Maven: compile and test at different source levels
I am currently developing a project to run on embedded devices The device runs Java ME JRE (equivalent to Java 1.4) Be…… -
Java – restore the old style of NetBeans 7.2 bookmark navigation in any way?
NetBeans 7.2 changed the way bookmarks work Before Ctrl Shift and Ctrl Shift Move the focus up and down in the same fi…… -
Java – after the authentication needs window pops up 7u21 and is updated
I've been working on a project for the past six months For this project, I have a GlassFish server instance in which w…… -
Java – how to pass a variable number of parameters to ant Exec
I have an ant target that accepts some variable parameters that can be passed to the exec task Using the old mechanism…… -
Java – fail fast iterator implementation
There are similar questions, but not exactly what I want to ask This link says that its implementation exists in the a…… -
Java – the data source JMX MBean cannot be unregistered when the spring boot application is closed
I have a simple spring boot application using org apache. commons. dbcp2. Basicdatasource as a datasource bean The dat…… -
Java – how do I add / delete clips on buttons?
At present, I have a "relax_layout" container, which I use to add my clips What I want to achieve is that when I press…… -
Java – is the master partition inactive or unassigned a known node?
I run elastic search version 4.1.0 on Windows 8 I try to index documents through Java When running JUnit test, the err…… -
actionscript-3 – AS3 Vector. Sort() does not use sorting options?
In AS3, array Sort () uses some good sorting options, such as: > Array. Descending – sort arrays from large to smal…… -
Java – spring: how to cleanly terminate prototype scoped beans?
According to spring documentation, spring does not manage the full life cycle of its objects when beans are qualified …… -
Java – how to correctly specify the default value in the spring @ value annotation?
Initially, I had the following specifications: @Value("#{props.isFPL}") private boolean isFPL=false; This will correct…… -
Multithreading – asynccall and Delphi 2007
What I basically want is to start asynccall and continue my code loading I have an interface part that consumes a lot …… -
Java – compiled in CMD but error in NetBeans
I have a small java file given below class abc{ public static void main(String args[]){ Object a= 9; …… -
Java – simulated rain
I play a game in Java. I want to create a simulation of a raining cloud When it rains, the clouds should move to the r…… -
Java – write JUnit tests for @ exceptionhandler
I am writing a rest service using spring MVC This is the outline of the course: @Controller public class MyController…… -
Java – how to disable certificate validation in jax-ws client?
How to use javax xml. ws. Service disable certificate validation in jax-ws client? I try to create a fully trusted tru……