包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – handles unhandled exceptions in the GUI
I mainly write a small tool for technical proficient people, such as programmers, engineers and so on Since these tool…… -
In the Java installation directory, why are there multiple Java Exe file?
Just curious about the directory layout of JDK So there are two separate Java Exe file – one in: C:\Program Files (x86…… -
java. Lang. unsupported operationexception: the application must provide a JDBC connection
I wrote some code to test my hibernate configuration But I encountered this error message: java.lang.UnsupportedOperat…… -
Java – why is it not allowed to narrow the scope while covering it
In Java, when I rewrite a method, the compiler flags any attempt to reduce visibility to an error For example: I can't…… -
Java – the difference between row oriented and column oriented databases in processing information retrieval
Recently, I began to study HBase (a column oriented database) When I passed the source code, a problem kept popping up…… -
Java – handling enumerations in 2.0
This question refers to 1.2 Version 1, it does not compile in different parts, so it is not repeated I want to use enu…… -
How do I automatically upgrade Java applications during startup?
I deployed a Java 1.6 application (~ 30) on several machines and started it as a Windows service My main problem is ma…… -
Java: if you don’t know how to initialize the array size?
I asked the user to enter numbers between 1 and 100 and assign them to the array The array size is not initialized bec…… -
JSF – using javax faces. PROJECT_ STAGE
I want to understand the impact of the "javax. Faces. Project_stage" attribute of a JSF application The following link…… -
Java – how to reduce the processing time of weak references in GC?
At present, the problem I face is that my application occasionally shows long GC time, but these are only due to weak …… -
Java – ActiveMQ connection denied
I tried to use ActiveMQ in my application, but when I tried to connect to the local host, an error continued to appear…… -
Java Web Services / JAXB – Abstract superclasses
I have a package containing JAXB annotation classes and an abstract superclass I want to use this superclass in the we…… -
String… Parameter in Java
See the English answer > varargs and the '...' argument 3 public void method(String... strs); What does "..." mean?…… -
System sound in Java
I'm trying to write an error dialog that I want to call the correct system specified sound Is there any way to access …… -
Java – save data in an XML file
I have an application. I need to save data input as a user in an XML file at a specified location. I need to use java …… -
Java – how to compile multiple proto files in a single command?
I have two proto files in a single directory, and I'm looking for a way to generate classes from these files in a sing…… -
Deployment – clojure / ring: how do I integrate my clojure application with a Java build process beyond my control?
I have a unique build situation I am using lein uberwar to build a war from my ring application and deploy it to beans…… -
Java EE – CDI injection failed on Maven embedded GlassFish plugin – org jboss. weld. exceptions. Deploymentexception: the dependency of weld-001408 type is not satisfied
We have a webapp that is currently being developed using Java EE 7, JSF 2.2 and GlassFish 4.0 There are two specific m…… -
Java – get application shutdown event
How do I get to the application shutdown event? I want to get an application to save all unsaved operations, or displa…… -
Sha2 password hash in Java
I tried to hash some passwords with Sha2 Where can I get a Java snippet? I read that article, but I have some deficien…… -
Java – how to obey the contract of equals() when deriving from an abstract class
Joshua Bloch wrote in his book "effective Java" that when derived classes add additional fields to checks, there is a …… -
Java – volatile variables that will never be assigned null will never contain null?
You can use the following concepts in java examples: public class X implements Runnable { public volatile Object x…… -
Java – foreign key mapping in the embeddable class
I'm using eclipse link for JPA I have an entity that has a compound key consisting of two fields The following are the…… -
Java – how to create a curve between 2 points in 2D and return the points that generate the curve every d distance?
I'm not good at math I have two points in 2D, a (x1, Y1) and B (X2, Y2) I need to create a virtual path from point a b…… -
Java – how does HashSet handle hashcode()?
I'm trying to get a deeper understanding of Java util. Collection and Java util. Map, but I have some questions about …… -
Xdebug, how to disable a single Remote debugging of PHP files?
I am using the eclipse ide to remotely Xdebug There are some PHP scripts run by cron on the server So every cron that …… -
Java – open and close hibernate sessions
This is how I get hibernate session and create a query HSession.getSession().createQuery("query here").executeUpdate()…… -
Java – the best way to avoid code duplication using fragments
I have an application ready to run in the Google play store, and now I'm executing the fragment Therefore, I already h…… -
Java – rfc3986 – which pchars require percentage encoding?
I need to generate a href to a URI Link to / some / path when it comes to reserved characters requiring percentage enc…… -
Java 8 error: interface inherits abstraction and default
I'm trying to write a collection interface library using the new default method syntax in Java 8 to implement most of …… -
Java – localdate minus period gets the wrong result
Subtract a period from localdate (such as "28 years, 1 month and 27 days") to get the wrong result But subtracting a p…… -
Java – unable to resolve symbols for powermockrunner
I tried powermock for the first time I use build Gradle and add: dependencies { ... testCompile 'org.mockito:mocki……