包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – simpledateformat parse (string STR) will not throw an exception when STR = 2011 / 12 / 12aaa?
Here is an example: public MyDate() throws ParseException { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/d…… -
You can use Java util. Is logging configured to use compressed log files?
Can I configure Java util. Logging to compress the log file when it "scrolls" to a new log file? For example, an excer…… -
What is the difference between pointers and reference variables in Java?
My java book explains that to use objects, we can assign them to reference variables How is it different from a pointe…… -
Java – Eclipse JSP – no color, code completion and error detection
I tried to find a way to have color and code completion and error detection in JSP pages I have Eclipse Java EE IDE fo…… -
Java – how to use jruby9 1.2. Use GPG to encrypt files in 0?
I am using GPG to encrypt files and send them to my j Ruby project But I didn't find enough resources I've tried ruby …… -
Java – good practice for editing objects by reference?
Suppose I have a type called superstar Now I want to have a method to do some work and edit some properties of a super…… -
Java – how to package and run a simple dependency command line application using Maven?
I'm new Java and maven, so it may be simple If I follow Maven 2 Hello world's instructions: http://maven.apache.org/gu…… -
Objectmapper serialization in Jackson
I want to serialize different types of lists by using an object mapper, but I don't know how AccountingService accServ…… -
Java – how do I get a new stateful session bean in a servlet thread?
I'm experimenting with EJB3 I want to inject a stateful session bean into a servlet so that every user accessing the s…… -
Java: how to resolve lambda parameters of wildcard types?
Then we have a functional interface: public interface Consumer<T> { void accept(T t); } I can use it: .han…… -
Java – how to access managed beans and session beans from servlets
See the English answer > get JSF managed bean by name in any servlet related Class6 <p:dataTable value="#{myBean…… -
Java – spring boot control target jar file name
My spring boot project has a build Description: <build> <plugins> <plugin> …… -
Is there a Java Translation Library working offline?
I really need to find a Java translation library that can be translated Solution For translating individual words, see…… -
Java – why does the LinkedHashMap class implement the map interface?
See English answers > Why do many collection classes in Java extend the abstract class and implement the interface …… -
Java conventions for accessible data (public visitors and recipients / naming)
Through the Java API, you can see countless conflicting naming and practices, which is really confusing to me For exam…… -
Java – how do I format numbers in the expression language?
How do I format and output numbers (such as long or BigDecimal) in El? For example, I want to limit some decimal numbe…… -
How to transfer files between TCP server and TCP client in Java
I have implemented simple TCP server and TCP client classes, which can send messages from the client to the server, an…… -
Java – converts the timestamp length to the normal date format
In my network application, the time of some activities of the user is stored as a timestamp in the database (in the da…… -
Java – Maven: “error reading prototype directory”, not proxy
Command: mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false -DgroupId=org…… -
Can bufferedimage be converted into img data URI in Java?
I created a graphic image with the following example code BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(50,50,BufferedImage.TYP…… -
Java – the difference between sha256 and RSA and sha256, and then RSA
What is the difference between using the following two methods to calculate a signature? >Use signature GetInstance…… -
Create repeated timer reminders in Java
I want a class that changes its private variables every 2 seconds I know if I do something import java.util.Timer; //.…… -
What is the correct action to take when closing a window in Java / swing?
I wrote this test code in my customuipanel class: public static void main(String[] args) { final JDialog dialog = …… -
How to initialize dynamic arrays in Java?
If I have a class that needs to return a string array of variable dimensions (and the dimension can only be determined…… -
Java – “package should contain content type part [m1.13]”
I tried to write to an excel file, but I kept getting an error: According to my understanding, I missed a jar file Any…… -
Java – thread / handler error – the specified message queue synchronization barrier flag has not been published
I received this error – As a relative newcomer to Java / Android, there is no doubt that I missed something, but what …… -
JavaFX IllegalStateException when processing jfxpanel in swing
I just came across something strange about JavaFX and swing When processing a JavaFX panel that has been added to a JF…… -
Java – how to populate with a list?
I have a list < string > in the controller I pass to the view I need to fill in < form: Select > with thes…… -
Using classpathxmlapplicationcontext in a stand-alone Java class
I haven't touched spring yet I saw the following code in a separate java project in my system You can help me understa…… -
Spring – JPA and Dao – what is the standard approach?
I am developing my first application using JPA / Hibernate and spring My first attempt in Dao class looked like this: …… -
Java – why do anonymous classes access non final class members of closed classes
We know that the final local variables can only be accessed in anonymous classes. Here is a good reason: Why are only …… -
rx-java – RxSwift – . subscribe vs . What’s the difference between subscribenext?
What is the difference between these two operators? http://reactivex.io Don't mention it subscribeNext. Solution In rx……