包含标签:Android 的文章
Android – automatically copy mobile applications from Dropbox, build and install them to the device
Install existing programs for IOS: – >From Drop@R_ 11_ 2419 @ download binaries > open an application using iTun…… -
Umano Android slidinguppanel – animation
I am using the following items: https://github.com/umano/AndroidSlidingUpPanel It works very well so far, but I have a…… -
I can use the same leaderboard and achievement Android games in Google games
I have two games, one free (with advertising) and paid On IOS, they share leaderboards and achievements in a group Can…… -
How do I get 1:1 pixels on the Android simulator?
I created an AVD without screen scaling, but the pixels don't match my screen Is there any work here? The screen confi…… -
Java – sort 2D arrays by 2D
I need to classify the goods according to the price The price of each item is stored in a JSON array I created a two-d…… -
How to access the background location change of Google Maps Android API V2?
In my application, I use Google Maps Android API v2. Even if my application is in the background and performs a task, …… -
Android – can I use Google cloud hard disk as the host of my application data? Can application data be online?
I'm sorry if this ends up being wordy Just like the server, you can have data there, and users can access it with the …… -
Java – provides an example of an incorrect alertdialog
I'm new to Java / Android Development (I started learning last night), so it's entirely possible for me to do somethin…… -
Google API provides an impeccable error for Android
I just installed the Android 2.1 SDK in eclipse and created a project for Google API: 7. Eclipse displays an error on …… -
Java – how to create a custom progress bar in the action bar?
It's not an action bar, but a custom progress bar that I need help with. I want to create exactly the same as catch no…… -
The Android local image displayed through WebView is blurred
I have a WebView to load images from the assets / folder. The image is displayed in 100% (or more) zoom and is differe…… -
Java – requires a standard architecture for server-side IOS / Android applications
Is there any standard architecture for building IOS / Android applications that require server-side functionality? For…… -
How do I start an activity from a browser in Android?
How do I start my activity from the Android browser? I have a link that says, http://a.b.com. When the user enters the…… -
Unable to find – com.google.android.gms.ads.adview Android studio
import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.Toast; import com.example.zanziv.rickandmorty.R; import com.google…… -
Android – how to get the file name and URL when you click download in the browser
I want to get the file name and URL file when I click download from the browser on Android. I try to use the method wh…… -
Android – how to align the imagebutton to the right in the horizontal LinearLayout
I have an imagebutton in the LinearLayout. I try to put the imagebutton to the right of the horizontal LinearLayout. I…… -
Android – programmatic screenshot of WebView with flash element
My question is similar to this question from a few years ago, but it has never been answered. I want to know if there …… -
Android – connect the client to the server in a chat application such as Viber or telegraph
I want to create an application like Viber or WhatsApp. My main challenge is to connect the client and server. Now I k…… -
Android paint application II porterduffxfermode
In this article, learn the layer blending mode of paint, namely mpaint.setxfermode (New porterduffxfermode (porterduff…… -
Java – get only the top of the camera
A few days later, I got into this problem. All I wanted was a part of the camera displayed on the screen. That's what …… -
Android – parseexception of org.osmdroid.defaultresourceproxytest
When I try to run this Android project in eclipse Kepler 4.3.2 on Ubuntu 13.10, the. Dexer throws this parseexception:…… -
Java – how to avoid duplicate objects in a db4o database
Student s1 = new Student(); s1.rollNo = "44"; s1.name = "kk"; db4o().save(s1); Student s2 = new Stude…… -
Android ijkplayer buffer setting and error resolution after playing for a period of time
Dragging the playback progress of ijkplayer will lead to re requesting data and not using the buffered data, so the bu…… -
Android – does holding an interface implemented by an activity cause a memory leak?
I have an activity that implements the interface and an asynctask that uses the interface to update the status. As far…… -
Does Android – can volley (Google IO 2013) have level1 lrubitmapimagecache and level2 diskcache?
Android volley (Google IO 2013) can provide bitmap cache for the first and second level disk cache of cache. I don't k…… -
Java – use a custom constructor to set baseactivity to provide data from subclasses
I used baseactivity in my app to help simplify Google Analytics In my basic activity, I override onstart() and onstop(…… -
Android – NullPointerException on super. Onstart()
I'm currently writing a fragment that extends the custom sherlockfragment that extends YouTube player support fragment…… -
Android – how do I log in to Facebook without a Facebook app?
I use the Facebook sample application (sessionloginsample) to learn how to log in to Facebook. My facebook SDK is the …… -
Android – next and previous animation
When the user selects an item in the list, I pop up the popupwindow. Then when he slides left and right in the pop-up …… -
Android – get the progress of intentservice
I'm developing an Android application that requires a lot of API calls. I've built a system to implement a queuing sys…… -
Android – how do I get MIME types from a web view?
I am about to develop a browser plug-in to detect whether the page is WML. If so, it will be converted to HTML through……