Java – how to avoid duplicate objects in a db4o database
Student s1 = new Student();
s1.rollNo = "44"; = "kk";
Student s2 = new Student();
s2.rollNo = "44"; = "kk";
Here, I save two objects S1 and S2 in the db4o database. Even if they have duplicate information, I also save the two objects. What I want is that the same rollno student should only save them once, just like the relational database using the primary key. I know that db4o saves objects according to the reference address, If I am wrong, correct me. If there is any way to implement the primary key function to avoid data redundancy in db4o, please let me know
thank you
Db4o tracks objects by their identity. Therefore, if you use "new" to create a new object, it will be regarded as a new object. If you want to update the object, you need to get the object and make changes. So here:
Student toUpdate = db4o.query(new Predicate<Student>() {
public boolean match(Student student) {
return pilot.rollNo.equals("44");
}).get(0); ="newName";; // Updated
Just. Db4o allway tracks actual objects. Not values
Note that you can add unique constraints to avoid errors. For more information about updates, please refer to the documentation: concept.htm