包含标签:Android 的文章
Android – how do I check the listview’s checkbox when I click an item?
How do I check the of listview when I click an item Check@R_ 283_ 2419@? I have a belt Check@R_ 283_ 2419 @, textview…… -
Android – best practice: navigation drawer
In the Android development tutorial of the navigation drawer design pattern, the recommended way to manage different l…… -
Android – how to deploy phonegap applications directly to devices
I have a phonegap 3.3.0 project setup and work perfectly. I can build an. APK from PATD's PATD: jamie@Hutber-8 /c/var/…… -
Test the Android application process lifecycle and recovery state when the empty process state is reached
Recently, I have been trying to improve my knowledge and skills in managing Android application status at all stages o…… -
Java – correctly formatted date
Hello, stack overflows, let me say I have a database with a row of dates, okay? Question 1: Like this: June 1, 2013 So…… -
Android – you cannot determine the dependencies of all tasks using the robolectric gradle plug-in
After modifying my gradle build file, as written in the document, the following errors will appear in all my tasks: Th…… -
Java – Android: call the IllegalStateException of dialogfragment
I already have this work when I have only one fragment 1 (landscape) layout, but now there is an additional portrait v…… -
Android – AutoCompleteTextView using cursorloader
I'm changing my application to use cursorloader instead of startmanagingcursor I have an implementation of AutoComplet…… -
Java – Dropbox SDK for Android: androidauthsession not found
I'm trying to follow Drop@R_ 419_ 2419 @ tutorials on the website will drop@R_ 419_ 2419 @ integrated into my android …… -
Android – will telephonymanager.getdeviceid work without SIM card?
I have a simple question: whether TelephonyManager.getdeviceid(); Will it work without sim_state_absent in the devi…… -
Android IOCTL – root permissions and usage
I am dealing with some routing functions in Android applications and need to access IOCTLs. Since applications using I…… -
Override hardware buttons on Android
Is it possible to programmatically override the functions of the hardware buttons on the robot? Specifically, I want t…… -
android:screenOrientation? Can you use landscapes on high-resolution devices?
Is there a technology that only allows landscape on large equipment? I can set the active manifest.xml file according …… -
Android – add menu to sub preferences screen
I have a menu that appears in my preferenceactivity. In my children's preferences screen, I lost the menu (no Pop-Up).…… -
Synchronize SQLite / Android database tables to remote MySQL database tables (via PHP)
I am trying to create a SQLite database when the program runs for the first time, which contains a table with 7 rows, …… -
Java – dagger – accessing singleton objects from other classes
I have been trying to understand and set up dagger to handle dependency injection of Android projects. My single (no p…… -
Android – if you collapse backpressed, the toolbar disappears
When backpressed, my toolbar becomes invisible or disappears. This happens only when the toolbar is collapsed >I ha…… -
Android – how do I do it, user login or Facebook SDK 4.0.1
I'm using Facebook's new SDK 4.0.1 because when I change the login button to log out, the same button is used to log o…… -
Joint debugging of Android and WCF rest services
When developing an Android program and calling a web service (provided that the service is written by yourself), you n…… -
How to pre play video when playing another videoview B – Android
I'm interested in "pre buffering" videoview a when videoview B plays. Is this possible? >I have two videoview insta…… -
Android – displays suggestions for an empty searchview
There is a searchview widget in my action bar. When the user enters one or more characters, it will display the correc…… -
Android – xamarin and asp.net identity 2.0
I need some help. I don't know where to start. I have a website I developed with asp.net web forms, c# and I use asp.n…… -
Android – every time a web service is executed in the background
I need to execute the web service in the background every hour Every hour, the Internet is checked for availability, t…… -
Android – subprocess.calledprocesserror returns non-zero exit status 1
I received this error while running Kivy. I have installed ant subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['ant', 'debug'…… -
Android – intent.putextra does not work
I need to pass information between two activities, but for some reason, the information will not be sent / received Lo…… -
Use Delphi XE5 android app to list all files in storage
How do I list files in the SD card path and internal memory path? I tried findfile with getdocumentspath as a paramete…… -
Android: when notifydatasetchanged is called on some devices, the image in listview flashes
As the title shows, on some devices, the image flashes when notifydatasetchanged is called This is the getview method …… -
Eclipse cannot find my android 4.1.2 device
I'm trying to run only the "Hello world!" Application on my phone (droid Razr Maxx), which uses eclipse to run Android…… -
Android GridView – randomly change element position while scrolling
I have a GridView with 10 rows and 7 columns. The elements in the GridView are not a unique form. A row contains 7 ele…… -
Java – a new activity is created when the screen orientation is changed
I am new to Android, but I have made many applications in the past year. Please forgive me I know that when you run th…… -
Java – stretch / shrink canvas
I'm making an Android game. I test my application on galaxy SII. I've made great progress. Unfortunately, I ignore tes…… -
Android APK cannot be signed from Jenkins, but it can work from the command line
I have the following build environments: > Ubuntu > Java 1.6.0_ 24 > Apache ant 1.8.2 > Jenkins 1.427 >……