Cannot use cast Android sample to make mpeg-dash work properly
It is difficult for me to use cast Android sample to make MPEG dash samples play normally
You can easily copy by adding a dash sample to the mediaadapter: addvideos() method. Here are three well-known mpeg-dash samples that we used to try to make work:
mVideos.add(new CastMedia("Car MPEG-DASH Video", ""));
mVideos.add(new CastMedia("Simple MPEG-DASH Video", ""));
mVideos.add(new CastMedia("MPEG-DASH Sample", ""));
Trying to play these errors will generate this form in logcat:
18147-18147/com.example.castsample E/MediaProtocolMessageStream: error parsing message: {"type":"RESPONSE","cmd_id":24,"status":{"error":{"domain":"ramp","code":-2},"event_sequence":6499}} org.json.JSONException: No value for state
Please note that the MP4 listed in the demo does work - so I know that my cast Android sample code is generally working. In addition, I have tried to host files - and by monitoring the access log, I know that the MPD is obtained and the device never accesses the media referenced by the MPD
Is there anything else you need to do to make chromecast play mpeg-dash media? Can anyone provide a working example from this code base?
We should cooperate with dash Industry Association player. We support all media source activities of chrome