包含标签:Android 的文章
Android – when another EditText clears the focus, stop EditText to get the focus
In my activity, I get some EditText. When I move out of focus from a topic and make it unfocused, the focus will be gi…… -
If the properties of the model are private, Android cannot convert the JSON response to the model
I tried to use retrofit on Android, but I encountered this problem. I want to get data from the API in JSON format and…… -
Listview is similar to Google play setting activity in Android
I want to create a list view like this: Who knows what I should do? resolvent: You can set the "reference clip". It co…… -
Android – use area description file (ADF) in 3D reconstruction
I've been exploring ways to use Google's Tango project for 3D scanning and reconstruction So far, some applications I …… -
Android mediaplayer doesn’t work for the first time
I added mediaplayer to my application. It works normally, but when I first call the surface and initialize mediaplayer…… -
Java – display clips after taking photos
I work on the android app on the left navigation bar. When I click a button, I can display my clip, and on another but…… -
Android – what is the best way to get root access to genymotion devices?
I am a novice in Android development. I look for my package database in the data / data folder. I can't find my packag…… -
Mobilefirst vulnerable version of Android Apache Cordova
I just received an email from Google play about my mobilefirst 6.3 application: Please migrate your application to Apa…… -
Android Cordoba – how can there be no splash screen?
I don't want to launch the screen for my Cordova project (Android and IOS). How can I delete it? I tried to disable th…… -
Android – error updating gradle to 2.10
I use gradle 2.9 in my android studio project Today, I tried to update gradle to 2.10 with an error: I changed it to 2…… -
PHP – protect private API keys
Therefore, I have been searching for the security of the entire private API key, and I am confused about the method th…… -
Android: 5 buttons location: a better way?
I want to fix five buttons, as shown in the picture. But I put five buttons in the position of nexus 6. When I tried t…… -
Android listview onitemclicklistener does nothing
I have a listfragment used as a tab. I am trying to use onitemselectedlistener on my listview, which must start anothe…… -
Android – create a toolbar for each activity or segment?
I have an activity with 3 segments. The activity has a toolbar without menu items. Menu items are added through the se…… -
Android – update domain database version
I use the realm of version 0.79.0 in the current Android project. Now, I want to update the domain version to 0.84.0. …… -
Java – how to use callback on socket.io client?
I want to call back to the server to confirm that my client has received the call. In the opposite direction, this has…… -
During unit test, the test status in Android studio 2.0 has terminated without any failure message
Question: I upgraded from 1.5 to Android studio 2.0 on Ubuntu yesterday. When I performed unit tests in Android studio…… -
Energy efficiency: ble devices – when can I connect?
I am designing a custom ble device protocol. My device will be one of - scale, sphygmomanometer, fitness belt The prot…… -
Ion build Android: cordovalib: compiledebugjavawithjavac
I can't figure it out. I tried to install SDK tools of versions 20 to 24 in my SDK manager. I always receive this erro…… -
Android – get the sum of column values in SQLite
I have a table in SQLite with the following structure: String CREATE_TOTAL_PRICE = "CREATE TABLE " + TOTAL_PRICE + "(…… -
What is the version of the Android gradle plug-in for Android Studio 2 beta in the Canary channel?
I received a message about the Android studio 2.0 beta provided in the Canary channel in Android Studio 2 Preview 9 Bu…… -
Android – how to catch unhandled errors and pass them further
My question is how to catch unhandled errors in Android applications and pass them further to other applications so as…… -
Android – reorients the axis of the accelerometer to the axis of the car in the phonegap application
I am currently working on an application to detect potholes on the road through the accelerometer in my mobile phone. …… -
Android – how to use Picasso with recyclerview’s custom adapter
I'm filling the recyclerview with images loaded from the web. I can use asynctask to load images in the adapter. Howev…… -
Android – how do I check if a WiFi or data connection is turned on but if I can access the Internet
I want to check if my WiFi or mobile data connection is on (can check), but can I access the Internet public static…… -
Android rxjava: how to recover from errors in the flatmap operator
I have an EditText in which the user enters a search query. When the user types, I want to perform an instant search o…… -
Java – how to use onbackpressed () to see the finish () activity with the softkeyboard activity
I have an activity. The whole screen is dedicated to sending a message. The upper part is an EditText, while the lower…… -
Java libgdx: FPS low on Android devices
In my game, I created many loops and methods in render. The FPS range of my laptop is 56 to 60, which is OK. However, …… -
Analog injection constructor in dagger 2
I have a dependent activity: public class MyActivity extends AppCompatActivity { @Inject Dependency; @Overri…… -
Java – how to change the actionbar title from the fragment class in Android studio?
Please help me I use the built - in navigation drawer activity in Android studio What I want is to change the title of…… -
Android robolectric and Transformation – waiting for response
I want to test whether my code correctly downloads data from the API (using retrofit) and displays it in recyclerview.…… -
Android textview animation infinite repetition does not work
I'm trying to animate textview infinitely. I wrote sequence.xml, which defines the animation effects as follows: <s……