包含标签:Android 的文章
How do I implement listview in appcompatactivity?
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { protected List<ParSEObject> mStatus; @Override …… -
Android – TextureView with camera preview
I want to use TextureView to display the camera preview. Finally, I want to use TextureView to set the opacity for the…… -
Android media player retains application instances and causes memory leaks
I have a media player activity as a member variable My media player is initialized as follows: mMediaPlayer = new Medi…… -
Rxjava: an illegalargumentexception is thrown when the “first” operator is used
When I use the observable. First () operator, an illegalargumentexception message appears, saying "the sequence contai…… -
Java – use gradle with jcenter in Android studio
Editor: I've made it clear. I implemented jbaruch's suggestion for the all projects - > repositories section of the…… -
Alpha Sprint (2 / 4)
##Personal PSP is a process 124124124theestimated time consuming (min) for the process 124124theestimated estimated ti…… -
Sticky concurrent mark cleanup GC released
I'm trying to issue a simple rest request through retrofit and encounter many GC errors. I really don't know how to so…… -
JavaScript meteor stays in “start application on Android device”
meteor run android-device -p 8099 --verbose Getting installed version for platform android in Cordova project Checking…… -
Android – the progressbar spinner for asynchronous tasks does not work
My problem is that when I click the button "click" to call my API, my progress bar (spinner) should be displayed when …… -
Android – running automated tests using appium and selenium grids runs on only one device
I am trying to run some mobile automation tests using appium and selenium grid. After all the configuration work is co…… -
Android – how to connect to SQL Server database from Delphi firemonkey
I want to connect to MS SQL server to use firemonkey to insert or update some data for my Android application. I am us…… -
Android tablayout does not change the tab (clip) when clicked
About tablayout, when I slide left or right, the next tab expands - the clip displays correctly - but when I click the…… -
Android hides the action bar and toolbar
In the list I use minSdkVersion 14 targetSdkVersion 23 Now, I want to hide the theme: <?xml version="1.0" encodin…… -
Android – change the checkbox checked with the animation in recyclerview
If the user clicks Check@R_ 662_ 2419 @, it will run a very beautiful animation (on lollipop) But if I call programmat…… -
Android: how do I change the icon size in the action bar tab?
I created an action bar tab activity for the project. I used 3 tabs and added some icons. However, even if I download …… -
Java – use textwatcher on EditText to calculate the total and sum in android in real time?
Here, I want to use the default values from the database and settext as this value and calculate the net rate and tota…… -
Do vectors with two point values crash on Android 5.0.1 and 5.0.2?
I'm using Android to download some vectors on the website here Icons like contact phone icon And put it in the file as…… -
Android activities how to use toolbars without extending appcompatactivity
I have an activity, homeview, which has extended another activity. It cannot extend appcompatactivity. But homeview ne…… -
Android rxjava cache network call
OK, so I'm working on a project. I need to get the JSON from the server, get the corresponding POJO, fill in some view…… -
Android – how to view a list from the browser by clicking a button
I have an activity similar to the following code. When I click the button, I want to see a list from the browser. When…… -
Android – how to set buttons outside listview
In my activity, I have a list view and a button. Each has a different purpose My list view shows the details of an ite…… -
Session implementation does not work
I'm designing a login form to implement the session. After implementing the session, the following error occurred. I c…… -
Java Android firebase – why ignore null values in map fields
When I use firebase on Android to save POJOs using the map field, I find that if the map contains null in the value at…… -
Framework code in Android studio “cannot resolve symbols”
I'm trying to debug through the library code in Android studio. But it shows unresolved symbols, that is, there are re…… -
Android notification large icon specification?
Where can I find the correct size of a large icon for Android notifications? What do I want? I want a nice looking cir…… -
Android – change the aspect ratio of the surface view according to the aspect ratio of the video in the exoplayer demo application
I have implemented exoplayer in the Android application using the following code String versionName; try { …… -
Android EditText with suffix
I'm very new to Android development and have problems dealing with company projects. I need an EditText with a fixed s…… -
Draw an image over the Android text span
I'm creating a complex text view, which means using different text styles in the same view. Some text needs a small im…… -
Android – add action buttons to the action bar of a clip
My application has three tags, and I'm using a pager to switch between these tags. Each tab has its own segment. I use…… -
How to parse JSON response in android in the following format
I'm trying to parse the JSON response in Android for my Android application. I'm getting org.json.jsonexception. The r…… -
Android – do you need to update the service version?
This question has been answered here: > Google play services update 6. I am using the xamarin Android application. ……