Android CTS and GTS query
I have some questions about the CTS test
We are using a Windows 7 system with 64 bit and 8GB ram and the CTS test suite "android-cts-5.1_r3 linux_x86 arm"
We are running CTS 5.1 with 200000 test cases_ R3. I have the following questions:
>No test case was executed after the test case was executed. Org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.jdwp.multisession.reftypeidtest. CTS took 18.5 hours to reach the test case and suspended the test case after execution. What is the solution? > How long does CTS test take? Is it two SIM cards that need to run cts on a dual sim phone? > What is the estimated time to complete the CTS verifier test? > Can we perform GTS testing in parallel with CTS? After completion, can we start GTS? What are the requirements of GTS? Do you need any licenses? If so, who must provide the license?
You can complete the CTS verification procedure within 3 hours
Lollipop and marshmallow only need 2 days for one device. If you can connect more than 3 devices, it will take 7 to 8 hours to complete CTS
Run CTS – plan CTS – disable reboot