包含标签:Android 的文章
Does the Android device owner application obtain system application permissions?
I'm trying to put together something about the device owner application For the newly released EMM API, does the devic…… -
Java – uploading an image to the server will damage the image
There is an image upload method in my application, which needs to send images and strings to the server The problem is…… -
Android – what makes retrofitting faster than asynctask of httpurlconnection class?
The following blog gives a comparison between the speeds of various Android async HTTP clients. Can anyone explain wha…… -
Android – how to display the trimmed ImageView so that the height is equal to the width?
I need to make an Android application that displays square images. But it receives images with width greater than heig…… -
Output processing frames from mediacodec and update frames on Android
I am working on an image processing project. I receive the original H264 video stream in real time and decode it with …… -
Java – Convert hex to small end
What is the formula for converting the value of a text field from hexadecimal to small end? Input example: 5a109061 Ou…… -
Create pop ups for each GridView project – Android
I'm developing an Android application for the hotel's food ordering system. In my project, I have a GridView. When I c…… -
Android – select the default tag after the app starts
I have an android app with tag activity and three tags. This will be created in my overview.class. In my overviewpagea…… -
Android – how to query SQLite database
This is my desk: private static final String CREATE_TABLE_EMPLOYEES = "CREATE TABLE "+ TABLENAME + "(" + C…… -
How to use android.test.servicetestcase correctly?
My application is a service running in / system / APP com.abc.def.MyApp Trying to write a unit test for this, I rece…… -
Java error: the task “: app: dexdebug” in Android studio failed to execute
I encountered an unknown type of error. The execution of 'error: task': app: dexdebug 'failed My build. Gradle:- apply…… -
Android full screen activity error
I'm trying to create a full screen activity: public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(…… -
Android keeps intentservice running and listens to the radio
I tried to track the number of times "screen_on" was triggered without the user starting the application. The applicat…… -
Android – Google login process with multiple activities
I have an application with three activities: login activity, main activity and detailed activity The login activity us…… -
Transformation 2 team entry method and operation for 2 times
I'm new to renovating the library. I'm developing an application that must make multiple API calls, but this problem b…… -
Java – what is a better way to handle multiple intentions in Android?
We have encountered the following code or similar content many times in Android or Java. This code seems to contain re…… -
Android has a domain error and tries to use asynchrony. It says it is opened from a thread without a looper
I receive the following error in this Code: in this line, "your domain is opened from a thread without looper. Asynchr…… -
Java – creating table rows using loops does not work
I create a code to programmatically add lines to XML. This is the code: //layout /*create a linear layout */ …… -
Enable third-party cookies for Android WebView
I encountered some problems when using the old API version. Some links of some websites did not respond because they h…… -
Java – should I add a confirm password field to Android?
I'm a novice on Android. I've just started registering for my application. I've found many tutorials like this one Wha…… -
The Android location service cannot run in the background
I'm developing a location app. When the user presses the button, the application should start tracking some statistics…… -
Android – the onplaceselectedlistener of supportplaceautocompletefragment is not triggered inside the viewpager
My application has an activity with viewpager and four fragments. In one fragment, I added a Google supportplace autoc…… -
Android switchcompat plays animation on toggle() or setchecked()
I added switchcompat. Com to Android's drawrnavigation First, I set the actionlayout of the project to switchlayout.xm…… -
Android unit testing is a good way to transform the interface declaration
I have the next interface declaration: public interface FundaService { @GET( "/Feeds/Aanbod.svc/json/{key}" ) …… -
Android – use getprimaryclip() to copy the given data, given {text / plain {null}}
I get the information of {text / plain {null}} when using clipdata, but if I use the deprecated method mclipboard. Get…… -
Android Gmail listview flip animation
I tried to create an animation, as we saw in Gmail's listview widget. When we select a line, we press the circle on th…… -
Android – in the skobbler API, what unit is annotation. Setoffset()
When setting a custom image for a map marker (annotation) on a skobbler map, you can use skannotation.seoffset (skscre…… -
Java Picasso pictures are not loaded in GridView Android
I have been making movie applications (learning Android project work on udacity btw). I have encountered some problems…… -
Android – automatically display error text in EditText
I'm using similar code EditText.setError("Something went wrong"); Display errors on EditText. However, only exclamat…… -
Android – I can’t generate a signed apk
I want to update my application, but when I try to generate a signed APK, I receive the following error message: Pleas…… -
Android – use coordinator layout in Recycle Bin view
How to make the recycler view move with the viewpager? The recycler view does not move with the view pager. I have use…… -
EditText phone number mask for Android
I'm developing an application for Android. In this application, users need to register and enter a phone number. I wan……