包含标签:Android 的文章
Java – how to add a second table to the database in SQLite?
I have a database exam guide. I have created a table_ Subject and now I want to create a second table_chapter in this …… -
Android APK Decompilation
Apk file structure APK file is actually a zip compressed package, which can be unpacked by the decompression tool. The…… -
Android – trying to add multidex support – unable to find symbol context and multidex
Follow the instructions mentioned below: https://developer.android.com/studio/build/multidex.html#mdex -gradle I got a…… -
Why does eclipse insist on the package name of the Android project?
This is a new Android Developer and a newcomer to eclipse I downloaded and installed >JDK > Android SDK > ecl…… -
Java – how to add icons to the navigation drawer template in Android studio?
I am currently developing an application in which there are icons next to the text of each drawer. My goal is that the…… -
Android – my application leaked randomly shaped bitmaps that are not in my drawable folder
I have a strange memory leak problem. My application keeps leaking bitmap objects and other related objects, such as v…… -
Android – how do I retrieve fragment instances of XML definitions?
In short, the problem is that I can find my element through ID, but it always requires me to convert it to view, and I…… -
Android intent and startactivity in libgdx (non activity or androidapplication class)
Please help me how to run the following code in the libgdx thread - in render(), create(), etc public class MyGame imp…… -
Android – press the button twice
I have a problem with Android. I have a button. I program the button to view textview when I click, just like displayi…… -
Java – how to access SQLite database in zip file – Android
I have a 180 MB SQLite database. If I compress it, it will only be about 40 MB. I save the file in the asset folder an…… -
Android – lets textinputlayout display a prompt only after the first character is typed
Previously, to use floating tags before supporting libraries, I used the following third-party libraries from Chris ba…… -
Android – get. M3u8 link from DailyMotion embedded link
I want to play video on the local player of Android device, but it supports. M3u8 link. I have embedded DailyMotion an…… -
When using integration testing, gradle cannot get metadata correctly from androidmanifest.xml
Quick summary: I'm trying to use gradlew connectedandroidtest on Android studio 1.2.2 for integration testing, but I r…… -
Android – what if the manufacturer deletes the folder under the / dev / log folder? [indicates no logcat]
There is a problem with my Android device. The log folder under / dev cannot be accessed or may not even exist $pwd pw…… -
Java – how do I send messages from my android app to specific contacts via WhatsApp?
I'm developing an Android application. I need to send messages to specific contacts of WhatsApp. I've tried this Code:…… -
Eclipse doesn’t recognize my Android Tablet
The first thing I want to say is that I have been using eclipse with Android (V2.2) phone without any problems Today, …… -
Android – how to save the status of the checkbox
I have an application with checkboxes. How do I save them? My layout is: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> …… -
Android – simulate a long press by touching an event
How do we simulate a long press by touching an event? Or how do we in action_ Calculate the time to touch the screen i…… -
Android – style the actionbarsherlock tab
So I tried to set the tab of actionbar. I implemented it using actionbar Sherlock library. This is my code: <style …… -
How do I clear all map overlays or tags of Google maps in Android?
I want to clear all map overlays or markers from Google maps and use the following code if(!mapOverlays.isEmpty()) …… -
Advise error parsing XML unbound prefix Android
I let AdMob work for a while. After the error, I made a mistake and scrapped the whole thing more than once. Now I get…… -
Androidruntimeexception “calling startactivity() from outside the activity context requires flag_activity_new_task flag”
I created multiple layouts in listview, but when I click I to get an androidruntimeexception, "calling startactivity()…… -
Android – causes: java.lang.illegalargumentexception: provider = Network
Try to find the current location of my device.code here package com.example.location; import android.app.Activity; …… -
Java – the method gettext() must be called from the UI thread (Android studio)
I'm trying to create a login for the application. But I have a problem This is my code: package com.forgetmenot.loginr…… -
How do I stop overlapping clips on direction changes?
I have an application that uses fragments to display data. The main activities shown below control the fragments with …… -
Java – why does Android App automatically restart after running abnormally?
My application runs on two 5.0 Android systems In my development, I have an uncapped runtimeException In case of excep…… -
Android – how to use Google play to update apps and force Downloads
I am using Android studio. I have developed an application and now I want to upload it to Google play. I have a licens…… -
Android – how do I open my app when I click the app link?
I want to share a link to a specific page of my application. Suppose I'm in a user's profile page in my application an…… -
React native Android code push installrelease build failed
I'm trying to add code push to my react native app and follow https://github.com/Microsoft/react-native-code-push Afte…… -
Android – cannot use libgdx to read and write to external storage
My creation method is as follows: @Override public void create () { batch = new SpriteBatch(); FileHandle fil…… -
Why does my android transition ignore the transitionlistener?
I'm trying to update the display before calling TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition (viewGroup, new AutoTransitio…… -
android-AFMA_ Receivemessage does not use appodeal definition
E/Ads: JS: Uncaught ReferenceError: AFMA_ReceiveMessage is not defined dependencies { compile fileTree(include: ['*.……