Android – disable click charts
I use multiple mpandroidcharts in a scrolling view with a linear layout
The problem is that I want to disable any type of horizontal / vertical scrolling in the chart because it causes problems when I scroll down to the next chart. I've tried to set the clickable property to false, but it doesn't help. Is there any way in the library to disable any touch events on the chart? I want it to be completely static
Use onchartgesturelistener in the Library: onchartgesturelistener
Enable / disable interaction
>Settouchenabled (Boolean enabled): enables / disables all possible touch interactions with the chart. > setdragenabled (Boolean enabled): enables / disables dragging (panning) for charts. > setscaleenabled (Boolean enabled): enables / disables scaling the chart on both axes. > setscale xenabled (Boolean enabled): enables / disables scaling on the X axis. > setscale yenabled (Boolean enabled): enables / disables scaling the y-axis. > setpinchzoom (Boolean enabled): if set to true, it is enabled for scaling. If disabled, the x-axis and y-axis can be scaled separately
There are many more
Please view this answer disable onclicklistener while scaling or dragging a view