Java – which JRadioButton to select
I have several jradiobuttons in the button group private ButtonGroup radioGroup= new ButtonGroup(); private JRadioB…… -
What is the guarantee of generic drugs in Java?
Although I know, generics are used to make our code more general and flexible But what is the guarantee of cast iron i…… -
Java – how to wait for all callables to complete execution before continuing?
I have the following hash code: public class MyCallable implements Callable<Long> { @Override public Lon…… -
How to return values from methods that contain arrays in parameters in Java?
I have this code, but it doesn't work! public class Trial { public static void main (String [] args) { …… -
Java – create viewholder final in custom listview adapter Android
I have a listview with such a custom adapter @Override public View getView(int position,View convertView,ViewGroup par…… -
The difference between void foo (t y) and void foo (t y) in Java generic classes
Explain in detail the differences (if any) between the following two versions of Java generic classes? class C<T>…… -
Java – the best string technology equals comparison
If the block is better? private static void checkStr(String str) { if (str.equals("exit")) { System.out.p…… -
Java Swing – perform actions on clicks
I think I've written myself into a corner I'm trying to do this with Java swing Click the next button to load a new li…… -
Java – JPA criteria API select object with null column
I have a table "word" in PostgreSQL DB: CREATE TABLE word ( word_id bigserial NOT NULL,word character varying(15) N…… -
How to run from Java SH file?
See the English answer > how to run UNIX shell script from Java code? 16 Runtime.getRuntime().exec("src/lexparser.s…… -
I need a basic simple java layout method
I have checked the Internet about flowlayout, group, etc. all these are useless examples I just need a basic method to…… -
java. Lang. IllegalStateException: sendredirect() cannot be called after submitting the response
Two days I tried to find out what was wrong I read here that I should add a return to the code, and then I did it, and…… -
Java – string instantiation and StringBuffer instantiation
I can't figure out if String ab = "hello"; //straight initialization String ab_1 = new String ("hello_1"); //…… -
Override Private Final methods in Java
class X1 class X1 { private final void show() { ... } } class X2 extends X1 { private final void show() { ...…… -
Open source audio library in Java
I'm looking for a similar one from un4seen( )Bass open source audio library for Java applica…… -
Why does Java forkcomb not cause stackoverflowerror?
I'm a new programmer. I'm trying to teach myself what causes stackoverflow I play with loops and cause errors, but the…… -
Loop stop Java
For the following code, when "n" is about 100000, it will stop running I need it to run to a million I don't know what…… -
Java – generics – what am I missing or what’s the point?
I have the following code: public class AClass<X extends AnInterface> implements AnotherInterface { public …… -
Triangle numbers in Java
I'm new to Java. Now I want to learn better loops I did some examples, but I don't know how to make a triangle that lo…… -
Is there any priority between multiple try / catch executions in Java?
In the following program, sometimes I get the following output: Number Format Execption For input string: "abc" 123 oc…… -
String initialization and connection in Java
Everything is fine in my application, but I want to improve performance and optimize my code Which of the two is bette…… -
Connecting with Oracle in Java application
I have downloaded Oracle express 11g and installed it Now I want to connect it from a Java application This is my conn…… -
Java – getting fragmenttransaction from activity when using compatibility
So I'm developing a project that I want to run on traditional Android devices, so I use the compatibility library I us…… -
Java – common objects in Apache thrift
I wonder if I can use IDL language to define "general object" in Apache thrift, similar to the "object" class in Java …… -
Java – abstract methods have no body?
I'm a novice in Java (I've been studying for 4 months now) So my question may seem too simple My understanding is that…… -
Java – underlying datastructure of HashSet
For ArrayList, the basic datastructure is array. For LinkedList, it is a link object. For HashMap or hashtable, it can…… -
Java – written in ColdFusion Properties file
Has anyone done this? Solution You can easily do this using the underlying Java properties class: <cfscript> fos…… -
Java – rules that implement comparison methods
Like CompareTo, it must be "reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive". Are there any rules to implement the comparison …… -
Why does my really simple java program sometimes work and sometimes it doesn’t work?
I've just started using Java and only used PHP before - it's hard to find object - oriented things I am using the ecli…… -
Java: large integer error
I want to use the following mathematical formula in Java: (44334*(220*220))+ (81744*220) + 39416) When I enter the sam…… -
Java – JNI local reference table summary (512 entries)
I have more than 10000 city names that I want to display in listview I store these names as cities in the RES / values…… -
How to execute “javac and Java commands” from a java program?
Is there any way to execute "javac and Java commands" from Java programs? If so, please help me Solution Like runtime ……