Replace dash characters in Java strings
See English answers > java string replace not working 6 str.replace("\u2014",""); Can you help me? Solution String …… -
Java class fields by reference?
I created the following tests to understand how Java handles objects, which puzzled me public class MyClass { publ…… -
Clientprotocolexception when attempting to submit a request to soap wsdlrequest through Java setting user name and password
My goal is to create a soap UI project with a given WSDL URL, save it and send all requests through Java methods I rec…… -
Limit threads and Java concurrency
I can't find an example of this particular case using the latest Java Concurrent routines I plan to use threads to pro…… -
Java – how to convert HTML to 2D arrays
Let me say I copy a complete HTML table (when each TR and TD has additional attributes) For example, for this table: &…… -
Java – no database selected when retrieving from MySQL website
I have a MySQL database and I try to retrieve it from our website host (GoDaddy) I followed a seemingly correct format…… -
Java: how to communicate with multiple clients in a single thread
I have a list of sockets belonging to a single thread But I wonder if there is a feasible way to communicate (read / w…… -
Java – concurrent HashMap document description
Concurrent HashMap is fully interoperable with hashtable in programs that depend on its thread safety but not on its s…… -
Syntax sorting in Java
The following two syntax sequences are valid in Java Why are both allowed and is there a preferred syntax order? priva…… -
Date in constructor in Java
I have a constructor class: ... Date d1; Date d2; public DateClass(Date d1,Date d2) { this.d1 = d1; this.d2 = d2…… -
Java – disable the open button in Jfilechooser?
I extended a Jfilechooser and overridden the approveselection method so that when the user selects an invalid director…… -
Java – why do you actually need war files in Tomcat?
Why not put the files in a subdirectory under the webapps directory? Solution Using war files has no performance advan…… -
Java – what happens to the returned object when I call “new object()” without storing the return?
Suppose we have some code as follows (I know this is a bad practice): try { new myObject(); } catch { //stuff } Wh…… -
Java – JFrame has the same shape as image / program running in the background
My problem is very simple, the solution is definitely not I am looking for a way to shape a JFrame, just like the imag…… -
Java – spring security oauth2 client
I have set up an oauth2 server with spring security I want to write a client application to use this OAuth server with…… -
Implementing binarytree in Java
I have this code for binarytree creation and traversal class Node { Integer data; Node left; Node right; …… -
Output of expressions in Java (– I)
int i=9; int i=9; System.out.println(--i + ++i); But according to the association and priority rules in Java, I should…… -
Java – is it possible to trigger JButton events through method calls – rather than JButton clicks?
Can events be triggered through method calls? (and click) import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class…… -
Using generic classes and generic methods in Java is difficult
Java novice, I did search some examples, but I'm really sad I have a node class that uses generics: public class Node&…… -
Dropwizard / Jersey returns the Java list as JSON without a root node
I'm using the dropwizard using plain knit fabric for Jason My problem is that when I return a list, it does not specif…… -
Correcting Java program code snippets
I'm a beginner. I learn Java and modify my exam by answering the questions in the past exam papers. There's another qu…… -
Java regex – how to replace patterns or how to replace patterns
I have a pile of HTML files In these files, I need to correct the SRC attribute of the IMG tag <img alt="" src="./S…… -
VHDL std_ logic_ Vector index and “downto”
I want to set STD separately_ logic_ Vector to easily annotate individual bits or groups of bits This is what I have: …… -
Java – serialize object properties
When I use serializable in a class, do I need to add serializable to all objects in the class? For example, public cla…… -
Java – spring 3.1: how to inject beans created in different configuration classes
I just set up a web application using spring 3.1, and I try to do this by using java configuration Next, the verifier …… -
It looks like an internal static class in Java, but obviously it’s not (I don’t understand, how is this possible?)
From: imageView.setLayoutParams(new GridView.LayoutParams(85,85)); View the new GridView Layoutparams section It seems…… -
Java – printwriter adds text to a file
In my online computer science class, I have to write a program to determine the surface gravity of each planet in the …… -
Refactor this java code to check whether the string contains any of these possibilities?
I need to check the possibility that a string does not contain any of these strings: MNC bra LEB Mar RVC method GLZ Wo…… -
Java – how to check whether the function execution exceeds the specified number of seconds?
If it takes more than 3 seconds, I want to time out a function long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); getStaticJ…… -
Java – add the Google API to an existing eclipse project
I'm writing an Android application that will use Google maps, but to do this, I need Google API When I downloaded the …… -
What instantiation is called in Java?
This may be a very basic problem for Java, but I don't remember it and don't know how to search it online button.setOn……